

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Paul Jay - Larry Wilkerson: No Evidence of Massive Russian Hack

 Larry Wilkerson says the Military-Industrial Complex needs China and Russia as enemies to justify its massive budget. He says they are running a racket and that Russia-gate is a lie. But he's moderately optimistic for the future of the Republican Party as the new younger members have had enough of Trumpism and want the older more moderate party back. They are not racist, he says, and are far more open to progressive values.

'The emergence of a third party is among us' - Interview with Lincoln Project Co-Founder Rick Wilson

Rick Wilson left the Republican Party to set up an alternative. He says the party has moved too far to the right, is racist, authoritarian, and is anti-intellectual.

Joe Biden won the US presidential election with 306 electoral votes. But incumbent President Donald Trump has yet to concede, and the Republican Party seems to be at a crossroads after four years of Trumpism. What direction will the GOP take going forward?

The Lincoln Project's Rick Wilson offers a very bleak outlook into the GOP's future. He says 'the Republican party has sold out itself to Trump' and what follows Trump will be more dangerous, because it will be more sophisticated. 


  1. “as the new younger members have had enough of Trumpism”


  2. These two clueless lefties talking about what is going on in the GOP is like Art Degree morons trying to talk about Science....

  3. Seems Wilkerson is having trouble coming to grips with just how loathsome and disgusting the republican party is now and has been for many decades.. he was a grown ass man when he willfully participated in lying us into war, it's not like he was some idealistic 18 year kid that didn't know any better and believed the lies and thought they were doing the right thing by enlisting. He's repented some but I think it's too painful to completely remove the rose color glasses with which he views the republicans of yesteryear. He has to put sharp boundaries around the area that he admitted was a mistake.

    I see no evidence of the younger Republicans not being trumpers. Trump is the republican party. Romney's about the last sane one out there, and he's pretty far right.

  4. Rick Wilson and all the other never trumpers are universally LOATHED by young GOPers...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Here this is young GOP:

    The Rick Wilsons not even invited.... probably would have gotten his ass kicked....


    Kevin TIP: don’t listen to lefties to find out what is going on on the right....

    1. They're Republicans, not Democrats. But why does Wilkerson support the Republicans when he's as left as me?

  8. But Kaivey always remember that the right gets to speak authoritatively on everything, even on the left.

    Most young people think turning point are a bunch of frat boy, black face wearing scum buckets

  9. Lincoln project hoping to get their party back?

    The poor dears...

  10. Col. Wilkerson's must-do for Biden/Harris:
    1. Renew peace deal with Iran.
    2. New and expanded nuclear arms treaties.
    3. Ambiguity on Taiwan.
