

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Trump Cabinet’s Bible Teacher Says Coronavirus Was Caused by Gays and Climate Activists

 Ralph Drollinger, a minister who leads a weekly Bible study group for President Trump’s cabinet, argues in two blog posts and a rambling Bible study guide published in the past few days, that the coronavirus is a form of God’s wrath upon nations.

America “is experiencing the consequential wrath of God,” Drollinger wrote in a March 21 “Bible study” on his Capitol Ministries blog. In addition to gays and lesbians, Drollinger also laid blame on people with “depraved minds,” environmentalists and those who deny the existence of God for igniting “God’s wrath”. The New York Times recently referred to Drollinger as the Trump Cabinet’s “shadow diplomat”.

Church and State

Trump Cabinet’s Bible Teacher Says Coronavirus Was Caused by Gays and Climate Activists


  1. Bible ignorance strikes again!

    It's economic injustice and oppression of the poor that kindle God's wrath.

    And that injustice and oppression of the poor has been financed with government privileges for usury, another big no-no.

    But trust modern "Christian" churches to divert attention from economic injustice with sexual sins that largely are self-punishing anyway, or so says Paul, Franko.

    And the great thing about sexual sins is very few can be absolutely pure in that regard so almost all can be shamed by shameless hypocrites.

    But you would know this, kv, if you read the OT yourself ...

  2. “sexual sins “

    They simply didn’t recognize that which was originally created by division... ie tried to recombine that which wasn’t originally divided... it was figurative activity...

    Didn’t work....

    Has nothing to do directly with present day human sexual activity...

  3. From the article:

    "In a 2018 post, “Understanding the Book of Leviticus Today,” for example, he compared same-sex relationships to a woman who “loves her cat” and predicted the embrace of gay marriage would be akin to choosing “a path toward extinction”."

    On that note, here's a short YouTube video: West Wing - Bartlet & the Bible

    Andrew, since you keep mentioning the OT, your comment on the video as regards The Book of Leviticus would be appreciated.

  4. I think she is supposed to represent Dr Laura Schlesinger....

  5. My initial comment is the "President" has overplayed his hand.

    For example, no Hebrew could be enslaved though they could be kept as well-treated indentured servants for 6 years and released the 7th, well-provisioned to start their own life.

    I'll look up those other verses, but I suspect there are other exaggerations and distortions too.

    That said, Christians are not under the Law of Moses but are nevertheless told:

    All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

    That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
    2nd Timothy 3:16-17

    One other thing, Leviticus (chp 25) also provides that no Hebrew's farm land could be lost for more than 49 years to creditors or anyone else and could be redeemed anytime before then for a just price. Should that be thrown out with the bathwater?

    Then let us recognize that the Old Testament should be cherry-picked by Christians, overlooking the clearly obsolete sacrificial system, for example, and that while sin is still sin that Christians are "not under Law but under Grace."

    Meanwhile, because the ENTIRE Old Testament is ignored or explained away, we have usurers and rentiers stealing, killing and destroying the world.

  6. “ for correction”

    Yo ‘correction’ is always in response to test failure... it didn’t work...

  7. Yo,

    Government privileges for private credit creation has had a 326 year trial and still doesn't work properly.

    Now it's probably true that you can make the system totally unethical (ala Warren Mosler) and buy a little time but that's only putting off the inevitable reckoning.

    As for you personally, Franko, I'm curious about your sect; one that thinks it can safely ignore God's Word. Some form of hyper-Calvinism? Maybe some form of RCC conservative/liberal hybrid?

    Anyway, you're a freak, Biblically speaking. The cure is to read and take the ENTIRE Bible seriously.

  8. make the correction already Franko

    On your word? That would be very unwise; I've been deceived too many times by so-called religious experts to fall for that.

    Instead, I'll read the Bible myself and that, along with guidance from the Spirit of Truth, and some willingness on my part to obey, should suffice.

    Shouldn't it?

  9. maybe you’ll get it.., Franko

    Unless one takes the ENTIRE Bible seriously, one can't be sure he get's anything right.

    You explain away so much of the Bible, including the Gospels AND Paul's writings, that there's very little correction for you there. And it shows; e.g. your abusive language.

    That's why I said you're a freak and asked where you learned to be such.

  10. Must be the greatest minds writing here....
