

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Ray McGovern — Daniel Lazare and I Go Hot and Heavy on Biden-Russia

Are there straws in the wind that Biden my be able to create a more decent relationship with Russia? I say Yes; Dan says No. A wager of $.25 is at stake.
I think Ray is going to be a quarter poorer with Biden up against the MICIMATT (Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-MEDIA-Academia-Think-Tank) complex, where there are trillions of dollars and world domination the table. His initial appointments don't bode well. The first order of business after Biden taking control was mounting a color revolution attempt in Russia, which is taking place now, with US interference prominent enough for the Russian government to call the US embassy out over it (and again here).

The US-UK strategy has remained essentially the same as when surfaced by Halford Mackinder in 1904 and elaborated by Nicholas Spykman. It was updated by Zbigniew Brzezinski in The Grand Chessboard.

Ray McGovern
Daniel Lazare and I Go Hot and Heavy on Biden-Russia
Ray McGovern, co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, and retired 27-year career CIA whose tasks included preparing and briefing The President’s Daily Brief and leading the Soviet Foreign Policy Branch

See also

Putin offers condolences over death of Larry King - Kremlin


  1. Tom, i am very lucky that my parents chose to come here to North America rather than Russia (or USSR).

    Russians, given a choice would in a heartbeat get the heck out of Russia. And I can't blame the Ukranians or other former Soviet republics for wanting to be a part of the West, whatever the West's shortcomings.

  2. Russians, given a choice would in a heartbeat get the heck out of Russia. And I can't blame the Ukranians or other former Soviet republics for wanting to be a part of the West, whatever the West's shortcomings.

    The West had its chance on the fall of the USSR. Most Russians wanted aboard. The West pretty much destroyed that hope with economic rape and then killed it with the bombing of Serbia. Now the overwhelming opinion of Russian toward the US is adversarial, which no surprise since the US has declared Russia a chief adversary. Good work, guys.

  3. I’d bet $100 that if the truth could be known the whole problem is that they have Putin on surveillance calling Obama the n word and saying something disparaging about Hillary’s appearance..,

    Lock it.,,

  4. Bush used to call him “Putie-Poot” then all of a sudden things went to shit.,,

    Though they did renege on the Ukraine gas deal... and you can’t renege with these people..,

  5. They’re also all pissed off about Crimea but trump looked at that and they had billions invested in Sevastopol.., their only warm water port..trump understood their position on Crimea there..,

    You anti trumpers here who are also biased anti war might get a big disappointment...

    And if it happens I’m going to laugh right in your moron faces like you never seen...
