

Friday, January 22, 2021

The crisis of American power: How Europeans see Biden’s America — Ivan Krastev and Mark Leonard

Our survey showed that Europeans’ attitudes towards the United States have undergone a massive change. Majorities in key member states now think the US political system is broken, that China will be more powerful than the US within a decade, and that Europeans cannot rely on the US to defend them. They are drawing radical consequences from these lessons. Large numbers think Europeans should invest in their own defence and look to Berlin rather than Washington as their most important partner. They want to be tougher with the US on economic issues. And, rather than aligning with Washington, they want their countries to stay neutral in a conflict between the US and Russia or China....
European Council on Foreign Relations
The crisis of American power: How Europeans see Biden’s America The crisis of American power: How Europeans see Biden’s America
Ivan Krastev, Chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies, and Mark Leonard, Director

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