

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Neuroscience News - Mutation-Specific Brain Cancer Vaccine Tested

  Summary: Researchers have carried out clinical trials to test a mutation-specific vaccine against malignant brain tumors. The vaccine has been found to be safe and effective in triggering the desired immune response in the brain cancer tumors.

Tumor vaccines can help the body fight cancer. Mutations in the tumor genome often lead to protein changes that are typical of cancer. A vaccine can alert the patients’ immune system to these mutated proteins.

Neuroscience News - Mutation-Specific Brain Cancer Vaccine Tested


  1. The new mRNA technology has many medical appiccations, not just for viral pathogens.

    PS: Can't think of a better way to start a Sunday morning than watching an Inspector Morse episode... Btw, if anyone cares for his phone number, it's Oxford 88318.

  2. mutation (n.)
    late 14c., mutacioun, "action or process of changing," from Old French mutacion (13c.), and directly from Latin mutationem (nominative mutatio) "a changing, alteration, a turn for the worse," noun of action from past-participle stem of mutare "to change" (from PIE root *mei- (1) "to change, go, move"). The genetics sense "process whereby heritable changes in DNA arise" is from 1894. The linguist's i-mutation is attested from 1874; earlier was i-umlaut (1869), from German, for which mutation was Sweet's English substitute.

    It’s like “repentance “ vs “new creation “ in scripture...

    The “mutation” view is like “repentance”... but if you look at what the mRNA approach is doing it is identifying the new protein configuration and then providing that information to the immune system in advance in case that new configuration would ever appear....

    Not “identifying the change” per se...

  3. mRNA for COVID-19 as I understand it provides the configuration information for the spike protein on the surface of the covid protein structure in advance of coming in contact with actual COVID-19 protein...

    Rand Paul in his exchange with Fauci I think referenceda recent study that demonstrated natural immunity antibodies had a discriminatory effect on solely the spike protein...

  4. People are creating these “mutations!”...

    “ Human cells grown in the laboratory were infected with a hybrid virus created by modifying an innocuous animal virus to contain the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein,”

    Thanks assholes!

  5. Haha! Feed Matt with stupidity and he swallows it fully. That art degree envy is eating your brain. Not that it was that tasty to begin with .

  6. Yeah wait till that one escapes the lab then these Art degree morons in charge will think they have to shut down the world again...

  7. If 'variant' isn't scary enough, 'mutant' should do the trick.
