

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

PROJECT VERITAS EXPOSES IMMIGRATION CRISIS - Steve Hilton, Alejandro Mayorkas, The Truth

 James O'Keefe with Project Veritas and PragerU has done it again!! He released leaked photos today of the immigration "camp" in Donna, Texas. They are worse than anyone can imagine. In the photos you see hundreds of immigrates of all ages laying shoulder to shoulder on the floor wrapped in foil blankets. It has been reported that there are upwards of 3,300 immigrates being processed and released into the United States at this location alone. O'Keefe also captures vans and buses leaving the facility full of minors being sent all over the country. 

It is also worth mentioning that by releasing this information he caught Alejandro Mayorkas in multiple lies on national television. Steve Hilton of Fox News breaks down all of the over half dozen lies he told the American people just yesterday. 

Even Democrats recognize this catastrophe at the border was cause directly by the Biden administration. When will something be done? When will the border be secured? When will we stop packing hundreds of kids in cages and hold them for weeks? How many immigrates are going to be released into the US without a court date? Don't ask Jen Psaki, we can't afford to circle back to this one.


  1. The key issue for which populism could rise to power.
    Ann Coulter is correct when she said that Trump blew it.

  2. Sooner or later a country (thinking of the US, UK, and some others) has to face the consequences of its actions. You know, "you reap what you sow."

    That's why all the refugees currently on Greek islands will soon be transported to some western European country (UK, Germany, etc.).

  3. "Germany to take in more than 1,500 refugees from Greek islands"

  4. You'll only be inundated by a poverty stricken, disorganised, poorly educated hoard from all over the World. Ralph

    Wouldn't be a problem if assets were roughly equally owned by all citizens - as they were in ancient Israel with provisions in the Mosaic Law to keep it that way (eg. Deuteronomy 23:19-20, eg. Leviticus 25).

    Then, working for wages would be the EXCEPTION, not the norm for citizens, and foreign labor would be a near-universal blessing for citizens and not just for rich ones.

  5. Ralph Musgrave,

    You'll only be inundated by a poverty stricken, disorganised, poorly educated hoard from all over the World."

    Their children do better than the average. The net effect is positive for a country.

    In 2018, 70% of 20-year-old immigrants who were admitted to Canada before the age of 15 participated in postsecondary education, according to tax data. This compares with 56% of the overall population of 20-year-olds in the same year.

    Similar to the overall Canadian population, the median wage of immigrants who were admitted as children increased with age. In 2018, 25-year-olds in the overall population had a median wage of $29,710, compared with $30,300 for 25-year-old immigrants admitted as children. For 30-year-olds, the median wage was $41,810, compared with $47,400 for 30-year-old immigrants admitted as children. This represents a 13.4% difference in the median wage between the 30-year-olds in the total population and 30-year-old immigrants admitted as children.

    source: Statistics Canada - Longitudinal Immigration Database: Immigrant children and census metropolitan area tables, 2018

  6. Canada is different. There is actual support among the population for multiculturalism.

  7. While immigrants were generally welcome in ancient Israel, certain ethnic groups were excluded from the "assembly of the Lord" (citizenship, right to own land?) for 3 and in some cases 10(!) generations (Deuteronomy 23:3-8).

    So a period of assimilation, spanning multiple generations, is certainly warranted before granting citizenship.

  8. The Rohingya lived in Myanmar for centuries, until the Buddhists drove them out.
    Another religion of peace.

  9. Their only power is the vote.
    Nevertheless, it looks like Democrats will lose Congress in the mid-terms.
    Migrant vote won't help them.

    This has got to be the most incompetent administration ever.

  10. Andrew,

    All cultures and religions are NOT equal and some are downright dangerous to a civil society.

    Number of Algerians killed by the French on Algerian soil: More than a million.

    Number of French killed by Algerians on French soil: A few hundred.

    And your point was?

    In Flanders fields the poppies blow
    Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
    Scarce heard amid the guns below.

    We are the Dead. Short days ago
    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
    In Flanders fields.

    Take up our quarrel with the foe:
    To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
    In Flanders fields.

  11. Andrew,

    Separation of religion and State

    That's rich coming from someone who wants to run the country based on what the Bible says.

    As an aside, you didn't address the point I was making that Christians are quite violent as compared to Muslims.

  12. I wish the State to be run on the principle of equal protection under the law and the common sense, although Biblical, principle that real resources should be equally owned by all citizens, either collectively (rivers, harbors, etc.) or individually (homes, farmsteads, etc.)

    Christians do resort to violence (war) largely because the above principles are ignored (eg. government privileges for banks were a major cause of the Great Depression and thus of WWII) leading to the wage-slaves of so-called Christian countries fighting each other in vain (from a human perspective).
