

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

My new podcast episode is out


  1. US out of Afghanistan next year?
    Place your bets...

  2. I've subscribed through apple podcasts.

    I'm curious to find out which song came first: Sammy Davis Jr's "I Gotta Be Me' or Sinatra's "My Way."

  3. I'd like to hear William Shatner sing "My Way".

  4. Mike,

    Would be nice if your newest podcast episode were "pinned" either on the top or on the bottom of the front page of the site here.

    Because you brought up Samuelson and he coming clean regarding the federal debt (btw, same reasoning behind Dylan Ratigan's thinking on MMT: "people are going to go nuts spendind!", it would have been cool to have opened this new episode with that old gospel song Gimme that old time religion. That's the song from the movie Inherit the Wind (1960).

    Give me that old time religion
    Give me that old time religion
    Give me that old time religion
    It's good enough for me

    It was good for ol' Jonah
    It was good for ol' Jonah
    It was good for ol' Johan
    And it's good enough for me

    Watching the funeral procession of Prince Philip starting from Windsor Castle. What a massive struture. Anyways, thinking that if there is anyone who can afford to buy it, it's Larry Ellison ;)

    Your Switzerland anecdote reminds me of how stressful it is to drive in Greece. Mostly twists and turns on the roads, and yet they think the max. speed limit sign actually means speed limit X 2! Scary as hell.

    Got a very funny Sammy Davis Jr. anecdote. Picked it up from Linda Lovelace's autobiography (remember her?) It's one of those stories that is both embarrassing and unforgetable ;)

  5. Oh I forgot to mention...

    Yes, regarding your take on Nassim Taleb. Very embarrassing, to say the least, regarding his understanding of how a modern economy works. But still no, "Hey, guys, I was off 180 on how a modern economy works." Also, disappointing from him were his strength-training tweets the last couple of years. He used to posts tweets of himself lifting heavy weights (i thought he looked ridiculous, but...) and the virtue of healthy body/healthy mind. Well, that was dumb equating lifting super heavy weights with with either a healthy body or mind. Needless to say, you knew sooner or later this guy of 60-something was going to get seriously injured. And he did. I don't see him tweeting any more photos of himself lifting. As for his math skills, i don't know how good he is since I am not a mathematician.

    Regarding Einstein and intuition. The ancient Greek mathematicians/philosophers were intuitive. Yeah, they sat around during their leisure thinking about things ;)
