

Friday, April 16, 2021

When it comes to corruption, Britain is catching up fast with the Middle East — Patrick Cockburn

 Sounds like the US too, where the stakes are even larger, hence the incentive greater.

The Independent
When it comes to corruption, Britain is catching up fast with the Middle East
Patrick Cockburn

See also
India’s dramatic decline from a shaky but functional democracy into an authoritarian dictatorship under the hard-right Hindu nationalist BJP is nearly complete. But deeply rooted traditions of dissent and tolerance, which had long been in abeyance, have during the past 15 months created a strong democratic challenge that has caught both the government and seasoned observers by surprise. The first wave of poplar protests against a new and discriminatory citizenship law were followed a few months later by the ongoing farmers’ protests against new laws handing over the keys to Indian agriculture to a few select corporate cronies of the BJP....
Biden Aligning With the Wrong Side in India
Shubh Mathur

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