

Monday, April 12, 2021

Why is the US Involving Turkey in Afghanistan? — Salman Rafi Sheik

Turkey and Russia are ancient territorial adversaries and Turkey's alignment with NATO and Ukraine is no accident. The US knows this, of course, and is now taking advantage of Erdogan's revanchist neo-Ottoman ambitions, which involve competing with Russia over Central Asia.

This is on the order of Jimmy Carter's enlisting the "freedom fighters" under Bin Laden to confront Russian presence in Afghanistan as advised by Zbigniew Brzezinski. In fact, it is crazier. It will not end well.

Why is the US Involving Turkey in Afghanistan?
Salman Rafi Sheik

See also

The Taliban will not attend. In that case, it should be called the "peace" conference.

Sputnik International
Cavusoglu, Blinken Discuss Preparations for Afghan Peace Conference in Istanbul, Source Says

1 comment:

  1. Not if one understand the geopolitical and geostrategic dynamic. It's not just about Syria or chiefly about Syria. It part of moving pieces on the the grand chessboard.
