

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

My new podcast episode is out


  1. It's the same psychological mania that drove faith in the golden calf.

  2. Old narratives regarding taxes, interest rates creeping back under the Biden administration. Ominous.

  3. I’ll have a listen in a few days :) My kid ask me for some help on Othello, and I am like “Who?” So cramming tonight the Shakespeare’s Othello-in-plain-simple-English version and tomorrow the original.


  4. Othello is a board game... and a Moor with emo.

  5. All kidding aside, if anyone here hasn't read Othello, you're are missing out on a great story. Just finished Act 1: The commander of the Venetian army Othello is ordered forthwith by the Duke of Venice to Cyprus to defend the island from the invading Mongol navy. Of course, there is a lot of domestic, personal shit preceding the order -- like Othello having secretly married (yikes!) a Venetian senator's daughter (Desdemona). And the senator, having learned of this from Othello's ensign, the cunning, duplicitous Iago, is beside himself with anger and grief that his beautiful, young daughter would marry Othello, a black man.

    Btw, a knowledge of the history/political events of early 17th century Europe is very helpful. And note that in this period England was in friendly contact with the Barbary states as a countermeasure against Spain and the rest of Catholic Europe.

  6. I wouldn't mind reading Shakespeare if it were written in Mark Twain english.
