

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Western Diet Causes Damage to Immune Cells in Gut, Study Shows

"Our research showed that long-term consumption of a Western-style diet high in fat and sugar impairs the function of immune cells in the gut in ways that could promote inflammatory bowel disease or increase the risk of intestinal infections.”

Science News

 Western Diet Causes Damage to Immune Cells in Gut, Study Shows


  1. I am happy for the mice, but we are not mice;)

  2. I am happy for the mice, but we are not mice;)

  3. I am happy for the mice, but we are not mice;)

  4. Sorry about that. The comment was meant for the prozac thread :)

    As for this thread, read up on Tim Spector's (King's College, London) work.

    Here's a treat: Best beer for your gut is the Belgian beer because of the double fermentation process it undergoes. In moderation (because of the alcohol) of course :)

    Here's some serious advice via my longtime dentist: Ok, you love the candy/sugar stuff? Well, if you can't cut that shit back, at least do it during the day and not in the evening. Why? It gives your saliva the chance to clean that sugar shit so that it doesn't stick around during the night. It's then when the damage to your tooth enamel occurs. What about brushing? Go ahead and brush, but if you just had a latenight meal, it won't be enough. Nothing ages you faster than rotten teeth.

  5. You know, there really isn’t any better way to build your immune system when you’re growing up then going outside and getting dirty.

    As kids we would bath once a week, no shampoos and fancy stuff like that — just a bar of soap. We had a kid in our neighborhood who would brag that he used Head ‘n Shoulders. Needless to say, he was the first guy in the neighborhood to start losing his hair.

  6. Just like the cowboys in the westerns who would pass around their water canteens, as kids we would pass the soda pop around. Today that would be considered gross.

  7. Germophobes and Germ Theory have conquered the "developed" world.

  8. Germophobeism might be why US is far ahead of the Row in vaccine rates... Australia 1.9% sheesh...

  9. Aussies got off to a slow start?

  10. It’s not just Australia it seems like all of Asia... those people over there (many in turd world) are all anti vax or their USD zombieism won’t let them spend the measly 20 bucks to Pfizer... once those disgraced pieces of human garbage get a hold of a USD good luck getting them to part with it...

    They would rather lockdown and trash their own economies than spend the measly $20...

    Which their whole economies over there are all a giant scam to accrue USDs on backs of their citizens so not surprising...

    They are all really disgraced human beings and lower than whale shit...

  11. Australia is not a poor country.
    Aussies should be about as willing to take a vaccine as Canadians.

    Godliness is next to cleanliness, and far away from Australia ;)

  12. They should promise to pay pfizer and then just renege -- you know, like Israel :)

    Pfizer halts corona vaccine shipments to Israel after country fails to pay
    APRIL 5, 2021

  13. You know, considering I don't give a hoot about a lot of things, I am well informed :)
