

Friday, June 25, 2021

UK doctor switches to 80% ULTRA-processed food diet for 30 days 🍔🍕🍟 BBC

 When Dr Chris van Tulleken embarked on an ultra-processed 30 day diet to uncover what effect it has on our bodies, the results leave him and the scientists in shock!


  1. Replies
    1. Highly designed foods with plenty of additives. The food chemists also do a lot of research on mouth-feel. Getting the crunch just right can be as important as taste. Foods that crunch and then collapse easily tend to be nice to eat.

      There's nothing wrong with designing delicious food, but too much processed food had started to harm his health.

  2. Wasn't that same experiment done by an American in the 90s where he ate nothing but McDs for 30 days? I don't think he finished the experiment. He stopped on doctors orders because he was on the verge of a heart attack.

  3. "What does “processed” mean?"

    Hardly any fiber or nutrients. In other words, the typical American diet.

  4. My biggest complaint when I visited Florida was that you could not buy a decent loaf of bread.

  5. he starts by eating a fried chicken and then a whole microwave lasagna for crying out loud...

    Its just too much fat and carbs...

    Its not "processing"... it you cut up some vegetables and grill them its still "processing"...

    Fillet a fish put some oil and seasonings on it and then grille it.. thats "processing" the fish...

    you have to look at the % content of carbs/protein/fat and then the totals, your activity levels, etc...

    Doesnt have anything to do with "processing"...

  6. Sardines, peanut butter/applesauce sandwiches, and yogurt. Best diet ever!
