

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Completing the unfinished New Deal to overcome 21st century U.S. economic inequality — David Mitchell

But even President Biden’s “big” rhetoric doesn’t fully capture the scope of his policy ambitions. He wants nothing less than to complete the unfinished business of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1930s-era New Deal, once again rejecting fiscal austerity while correcting for racist carve-outs, filling in the holes in our social and care infrastructure, and investing to abate the increasingly dire consequences of climate change. And he wants to demonstrate that the federal government—and the democratic processes undergirding it—can deliver for everyday workers and their families in the United States.

Congress too has embraced this “unfinished New Deal” rhetoric, even going so far as to establish a Select Committee in the House of Representatives explicitly modeled on the FDR-era Temporary National Economic Committee, which was launched in 1938 to study the deleterious effects of overly concentrated economic power. The new House Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth, chaired by Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT), promises to “develop solutions to the key economic issue of our time: the yawning prosperity gap between wealthy Americans and everyone else.”...
Two philosophies colllide — the market state versus the managerial state. China has already taken the decision and also the lead in this. Will the US follow or continue on the neoliberal road to social and political dysfunction? 

WCEG — The Equitablog
Completing the unfinished New Deal to overcome 21st century U.S. economic inequality
David Mitchell


  1. What the Biden administration will deliver, will finish the US. Afghanistan was a preview.

  2. What the Biden administration will deliver, will finish the US. Afghanistan was a preview.

    Well, lets hope that's so. The neoliberal imperial US is long past its sell-by date, and is nothing but the common enemy of mankind. Lets hope this is the beginning of the finish for it. One, Two, Three, Many Afghanistans!

    Kudos to Biden for having the guts to pull out. The opposite to the stampede of independent minds criticizing him for doing a good and brave thing.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As for the article,

    while correcting for racist carve-outs

    Such things are wildly exaggerated concerning the anti-racist, anti-sexist New Deal. It's like blaming firemen or doctors confronted by a fire or plague too big for them to entirely control - for creating the problem in the first place. It's insane.

    Like this: One group that President Roosevelt’s programs left out, though, were domestic service workers, mostly women and especially women of color. They were denied the benefits of the New Deal because of the opposition of racist politicians in the president’s Democratic congressional coalition and due to societal expectations at the time that men were the appropriate sole breadwinners for families.

    This is a known fabrication. They were left out because of logistical, definitional reasons. Electronic computers didn't exist. There is no record of political, legislative opposition.

    For instance, Adolph Reed occasionally repeated this slur against the New Deal, until he brushed up on the actual history -- Even Homer nods. Now he works to correct this lie.

  5. Kudos to Biden for having the guts to pull out.

    Saint Peter will give him a thumbs up, before telling him to go to the "downstairs" dining room.
