

Friday, August 27, 2021

Explainer: what is shariah law and what version of it is the Taliban likely to implement? — Zuleyha Keskin and Mehmet Ozalp

Short backgrounder on the origin, development and state of shariah law and how the Taliban may implement it this time.

The Conversation
Explainer: what is shariah law and what version of it is the Taliban likely to implement?
Zuleyha Keskin, Associate Professor, Charles Sturt University and Mehmet Ozalp, Associate Professor in Islamic Studies, Director of The Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation and Executive Member of Public and Contextual Theology, Charles Sturt University (Australia)


  1. Sharia law means whatever you want it to mean. The Taliban have banned music in public places, doubtless because that does not comply with Sharia law:

    Anyway, it's good to see they're concentrating on the important things like banning music, rather than irrelevant stuff like the poverty & hunger suffered by many Afghanis.

  2. The Taliban a sort of Sociopathic Amish!
