

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Moon of Alabama — The Release Of Meng Wanzhou's Is A Small But Decisive Victory For China

The whole case was constructed and the arrest arranged by John Bolton when he was National Security Advisor under then President Donald Trump...
Moon of Alabama
The Release Of Meng Wanzhou's Is A Small But Decisive Victory For China


  1. It is rather a great loss of face, because the immediate, tit-for-tat release of Spavor and Kovrig confirms emphatically to the whole world the utter lack of due process in the Chinese legal system, its complete politicization, and the arbitrariness of Communist rule.

  2. Canada’s spy agency CSIS welcomed the two Michaels back to the country
    by Lorraine Carpenter

    CSIS followed up last night’s tweet saying they “join all Canadians in welcoming you back,” but for CSIS to pipe up anywhere near this story is an awkward look, to say the least, given the espionage charge against the two men.

  3. Well, it all came from John Bolton, the man who has always been clearly more insane than Trump. January 6, lying that he won 2020, appointing John Bolton - the craziest things Trump did. Of course it is a win for China, Biden, international law and sanity.

  4. John Biden had a poodle, whose name was Cananda.


  5. Diplomacy Freed the Two Michaels. Now, it’s Time for a Little Strategic Amnesia


  7. Lets forget that Canada is a poodle on a US leash?

  8. More of a Newfoundland on a leash -- give yourself some credit, bud. It just so happens that it is a well-fed old canine, whose own tame preferences (sad to say) differ little from his master's. But it has some not insignificant pulling power on occasion.

  9. A Newfoundland is too principled to be involved in such cowardice.

    A German shepherd may be a better analogy. Follows orders. Occasionally smarter than its handlers.
