

Sunday, October 3, 2021



Revealing video of current economic thinking of “stagflation!” on the MAGA right GOP… you have Harvard art degree Navarro with Georgetown art degree Cortez and Virginia Tech Harvard MBA Bannon here all trying to figure it out…

And everyone seems positioned for it they have sold off growth and are bearish bonds…. That would be the typical  “stagflation!” trades…


  1. They're putting their money where their brains were?

  2. Protectionism may well make a comeback in 2024.

  3. What does an arts degree have to do with obtuseness?

    Exactly nothing more or less than training in science.

    Wynne Godley read politics, philosophy and economics at New College, Oxford where Isaiah Berlin and Philip Andrews, one of the main economists of the Oxford Economic Research Group, were two of his most important mentors. Godley trained to become a professional musician, studying at the Paris Conservatoire for three years, and then becoming principal oboist at the BBC Welsh Orchestra.

    Almost all useful economic concepts, indeed virtually all rationally acceptable beliefs or propositions, are determined a posteriori rather than on a priori bases. So, it is sufficient that an argument be reasoned, reasonable, and based on defensible evidence. As Philip Pilkington has said (in other words), that is enough to settle most economic questions.

    Now, let us consider non-Euclidian geometry -- rational, scientific, but not very helpful for navigating the ocean, or for, say, urban planning.
