

Saturday, October 2, 2021

New Poll: US Is More Divided Than Before, as Almost Half of Americans Think 'It's Time to Split' — Kirill Kurevlev

The headline is a lit of an overstatement but the post still interesting politically and demographically. 

The poll was conducted by the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, which in partnership with Project Home Fire think tank analyzed online responses to over 300 questions encompassing social, political, and psychological themes from more than a thousand political opponents from each camp.

According to the poll, over half of all ex-President Donald Trump supporters "somewhat agree" with the idea that red states should secede from the US, while 41% of Joe Biden supporters consent with the idea of blue states doing the same.

The further data presented by the researchers revealed, however, that a quarter of Trump supporters "strongly agree" with the idea of red-state succession, while 18% of Biden supporters support a blue-state breakaway....
Sputnik International
New Poll: US Is More Divided Than Before, as Almost Half of Americans Think 'It's Time to Split'
Kirill Kurevlev


  1. Maybe Canada can unload the province of Alberta on the southern states ;)

  2. You can see the increasing polarization over time here in these charts from Pew Research:

    Political Polarization in the American Public

    The polarization is caused by the rise of the internet. It's said that the internet makes smart people smarter and dumb people dumber. As regards Covid, you have one group of people researching R-naught numbers and protein spikes, while the other group is researching how Bill Gates is using the vaccine to implant microchips. Also, 5G is giving people cancer, even in places where is no 5G.

  3. It was Trump. 100% the most divisive president ever. Fanned the flames of polarization, then threw gasoline on it with the fake "stolen vote" bullshit. Not to mention getting the whole anti-vax movement going. Piece of shit.

    2016. Worst vote I ever cast in my life.

  4. Time for your booster, Mile. TDS is setting in...

  5. Segregating the population into vaxxed and unvaxxed is a great way to promote unity.

    Way to go, Joe!
