

Friday, October 8, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump


45 indicating much concern about the present “inflation!”… BIG BIG trouble!

“Unfortunately, when you look at what is happening now with Afghanistan, the Border, inflation, etc., our Country is not being saved. It is in big trouble!”


  1. This administration already feels like a lame duck.

  2. "Country is not being saved. It is in big trouble!” -- orange cocksplat

    What an orange dick. The orange cocksplat is solely responsible for the death 100,000s of Americans due to his gross negligence in the handling of the pandemic.

    Is said orange dick still on hydroxychlorinquine?

    PS: Got my 23andme DNA results yesterday. Just want to quickly say that Benjamin Franklin and I share a distant female relative. So seeing that me and Ben (first name basis now) share a distant rellative, I don't want to hear any smack talk about this great man. You got nothin' good to say, keep it to yourself, or else--

  3. I think Trump said he was related to Franklin too … that’s why he went to Penn…

  4. Dear Santa,

    Benjamin is my favourite president.
