

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Badfinger - The Tragic Story

 I never knew about the tragic story of Badfinger as they were not of my generation and they didn't make my type of music. The other day, though, I came across this video and it's an incredibly sad story. The singer / songwriters, Pete Ham and Tom Evans, were under enormous pressure, believing they had lost everything. First, Pete Ham took his life, but a few years later the tragid story repeated itself which led to Tom Evans doing the same. 

If you found the video interesting and want to delve further, then part 1 of a 6 part series is posted below. It is excellent, and on YouTube all the other parts follow.

Watching the videos got me me into listening to more of their songs, and yep, they were terrific! 

Badfinger - The Tragic Story

Badfinger - Doc 1 of 6

1 comment:

  1. Stan Polley stole vast sums of money from a number of different music artists and groups, thereby ruining them after he had swindled fortunes from them.

    Polley also defrauded many people outside the music industry.

    He was a career criminal who ever did any time in jail.
