

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Aeron Mate - US war lobby fuels conflict in Russia, Ukraine, and Syria: ex-Pentagon advisor

There are too many lobby groups in Washington pushing for war with Russia, says Douglas Macgregor. He also says that Trump liked to be liked, especially when pandering to his base, which stopped him getting things done. 

 Douglas Macgregor, a retired US Army Colonel and former Pentagon senior advisor, analyzes the US-Russia standoff in Ukraine; the aftermath of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan; Trump's failure to act on 2016 campaign anti-interventionist rhetoric, only to surround himself with neocons; and the ongoing, overlooked US military occupation of Syria after the decade-long CIA dirty war. "The Military Industrial Congressional Complex," Macgregor says, "seems to be more powerful than anyone who occupies the office of the presidency." Guest: Douglas Macgregor, retired US Army Colonel and former Pentagon senior advisor.


  1. These m'fkers are going to get everyone killed.

  2. Compare this interview to the sound byte crap being fed to us by the MSM.
