

Thursday, January 27, 2022

AJ+ - How The Threat Of China Was Made In The USA

Bad, bad, China! It's pounded into us everyday. AJ+ are going to do a series about China. 

China is bad. At least, that's what even a glance of U.S. reporting on China tells us. It’s a way of reporting that follows a long history of constructing the Chinese — in news, popular culture and the halls of DC — as a threat. In the first episode of Backspace, a new media critique series from AJ+, Sana Saeed explores what China and the Chinese have looked like in the American imagination, how that impacts and is impacted by U.S. immigration and foreign policies, and ways we can retell that story.


  1. Foxconn suicide rate - 14 per million

    Chinese suicide rate - 220 per million

    The Foxconn suicide rate was one-twentieth the general suicide rate in China. This is good news, not bad news.

    Foxconn suicides

    Also, this:

    Foxconn suicide rate is lower than in the US, says Apple's Steve Jobs
