

Thursday, January 20, 2022

New UE claims at 3 month high


And ZERO F’s given by any policymaker in US… btw where is SecTreas Janet Yellen? Disappeared… I’m not getting it…


  1. After listening to the latest Macro and Cheese Broadcast between Bill and Steve Grumbine and how social media could be used to organise consumer strikes. I thought I would have some fun with it.

    Here’s an idea that would very easily be achievable with between 5 to 10 thousand people or even less. It is based on Run around the kids TV programme hosted by Mike Reid in the UK or as the Americans know it hosted by ventriloquist and voice actor Paul Winchell, airing Saturday mornings on NBC from September 9, 1972 to September 1, 1973.

    The idea involves the banks and one copy of the deficit myth.

    1: Use Social media to get between 5 to 10 thousand people to come together. The more the merrier.

    2. Make sure they have a copy of the deficit myth by Stephanie Kelton.

    3. Make sure they switch bank accounts all to the same bank.

    4. Then all of them stand in a Q to take their deposits out of the bank with a copy of the deficit myth under their right arm of a few banks the idea is to create an imaginary bank run.

    5. Phone the media as an innocent bystander and tell them a bank run is happening in several banks.

    6. Once panic starts to happen and stocks start to sell off

    7. Buy stocks of the bank after it has dropped significantly

    8. Simply walk away.

    So what have we just achieved by organising and simply standing in a Q. That’s all we did stand in big long line outside a bank or a few banks ?

    We got great publicity for the book the deficit myth.

    We showed the banks simply by switching our accounts out of one bank to another in large numbers it can have an effect. The show run around until if We got big enough no bank would be safe.

    Made loads of money for the MMT university as well sell the bank stocks after they rise again the next couple of days and they figure out there was no bank run.

    Job done.

  2. As soon as the TV crews turn up in their vans and start interviewing people asking why they are taking their money out of the banks.

    You simply reply " Have you not seen the news we are at war with Russia and China"

    LOL !

    That'll teach em.

  3. “ how social media could be used to organise consumer strikes”

    Get ready for Trump+ ….. you ain’t seen nothin yet…

    MAGA is forming their own economy…

    The NFLX commies could lose 4M subs overnight…

  4. NFLX now below where they already were under Trump…. same for TWTR…. FB next…

    Entire “blue wave!” rallies of these commies wiped out….

    “Get woke go broke”

    And Trump+ not even started..,

  5. Trump +

    I studied the Heritage foundation for 2 years. While I spent 4 years in right wing and far right blogs. As I tried to understand them and spread MMT in the right wing community. Instead of speaking in echo chambers.

    Trump+ will hold no surprises the Heritable foundation website will tell you what his plans are. Ted Cruz could do the job on crack.

  6. I found this golden nugget from 1999

    I've been reading a lot of Christopher Hitchens lately his books and articles. Spent around 6 months getting to know him.

    Tom and Mike who are older than me might remember this. It is the last 23 years summed up beautifully in one interview from 1999 on C Span.

    They don't do them like these anymore you would be shot.

    Little did everyone know at the time who were watching this on C span that from 1999 onwards every government was going to be like that. It was like watching the last 23 years compressed into a snow globe.

    How polite callers were who called into the show.

  7. “ As I tried to understand them and spread MMT in the right wing community.”

    They are right libertarians they won’t accept it same as left libertarians…

  8. It’s the “libertarian “ part that’s the problem…

  9. If Steve Grumbine can make the transition from libertarian to MMT aware, there is hope.

  10. Was a very interesting experience Matt.

    After 6 months I got very little push back.

    Moved quite a few of them over to Billy Blog. The fact that MMT were also leavers in the Brexit debate helped a lot.
