

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Putin Recognizes Donbas Republics: What Comes Next? — Gilbert Doctorow

Gilbert Doctorow analyzes Putin's historic speech to the nation with respect to future action regarding Ukraine and beyond. For Russia this is not chiefly about Ukraine but rather the US along with its NATO allies, but  chiefly the US.

Putin Recognizes Donbas Republics: What Comes Next?
Gilbert Doctorow

1 comment:

  1. Barring some quixotic wish of Ukrainian president Zelensky to enter into armed conflict with Russia over the Donbas and face certain annihilation of his army and of his regime, /snip

    This is and has always been the case.
    There is nothing that Moscow can do to guarantee the actions of an adversary.
    There is nothing that Washington can do to guarantee the actions of an adversary.
    Zelensky (or any number of bad actors) can make or break Moscow's/Washington's plans. Remember the saying: No plan survives contact with the enemy?

    So let me fix Doctorow's "analysis":
    Barring some quixotic wish of Ukrainian president Zelensky to enter into a cease fire with Russia over the Donbas and face certain annihilation of his presidency, Washington will obtain the smoking gun it so clearly desires.
