

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Unpacking the Russian-Chinese joint statement — The Saker

First things first, this is a very long statement (5300 words).  It is also an extremely important one since it deals primarily with grand strategy issues (it discusses the “whats” not the “hows”).  To put it succinctly, this is a common vision of the future shared between Russia and China.  It is therefore also a common goal setting document.  Considering its scope and objective, this is most definitely a crucial historical document.

Next, it is really important to understand who the target audience of this statement is.  By definition, the target audience of such a document is the entire planet, but by its language I would argue that it is pretty clear that this is not a document addressed to anybody in the West (for one thing, it is too long for the average western reader and it is too long to be reprinted or read in full in the general press).  There is a saying which all Russians know: “the East is a delicate/refined matter” (it comes from a famous Soviet movie).  The style and contents of this joint statement shows that it is primarily aimed at the Russian and Chinese public, especially those in position of power: to a typical western reader the text itself looks long-winded and full of well-meaning platitudes.  The Russians and the Chinese understand each other much better, and not only can they read between the lines and they can evaluate what is said and what is only suggested.  The fact that some things are only alluded to does in no way make them less crucial.  Again, the audience here is most definitely not a western one.

Having said all that, I want to pick, roughly in order, some key parts of that speech and try to unpack what this joint statement really says....

The Vineyard of the Saker
Unpacking the Russian-Chinese joint statement
The Saker

See also Andrei Martyanov, former USSR naval officer and expert on Russian military and naval issues on the leaked US response to Russia's "non-ultimatum." (28' 50")

1 comment:

  1. TL:DR

    Here's Tucker Carlson fighting the march to war:
    Tucker: Republicans and Democrats are 'hysterical' about this

    Duration: 16 minutes
    Audience: short attention span Fox viewers
    Likely outcome: TL:DW
