

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Links — 20 Mar 2022 Part 2

Cheney: Use of chemical weapons is 'red line' for NATO intervention (false flag locked in? Here we go again. Syria redux. When I was serving as naval officer in the Western Pacific at the time  of the Gulf of Tonkin false flag, I smelled a rat. Amazing how this still works after exposure of that incident, Iraq WMD, Syria White Helmets, etc. Are people that stupid? Looking at the other obvious propaganda and psyops, yes. The Wurlitzer is cranked up to full blast . The barrage is total.)
Shayna Greene

Strategic Culture Foundation (sanctioned by the US Treasury Department)
Meet Ukraine’s Azov Figurehead Olena Semenyaka, Europe’s Female Führer (Russian propaganda?)
Decian Hayes

Zero Hedge
Elon Musk Defends Russell Brand, Says Groupthink Among Major Media Is "More Troubling" (Like it or not, Elon is a cultural icon.)
Tyler Durden

The London Economic
WATCH: Liz Truss says ‘now is the time to end ludicrous debates’
Andra Maciuca

Russia Observer
HIATUS (Patrick Armstrong succumbs to the pressure and throws in the towel.)
Patrick Armstrong, retired analyst and diplomat (2008) serving in the Canadian Department of National Defence specializing in the USSR/Russia from 1984 and a Counsellor in the Canadian Embassy in Moscow in 1993-1996.

Gilbert Doctorow — International relations, Russian affairs
Gilbert Doctorow

Ukraine war is backdrop in U.S. push for hypersonic weapons

The Cradle
M. K. Bhadrakumar | retired diplomat with the Indian Foreign Service and former ambassador

Crooks & Liars
SecDef Lloyd Austin: '[Putin] Moving His Forces Into A Woodchipper'
Ed Scarce

The Vineyard of the Saker
Scott Ritter: Military Intelligence Expert on Ukraine Conflict (video)

Common Dreams
'Unthinkable': Scientists Shocked as Polar Temperatures Soar 50 to 90 Degrees Above Normal (what will get us first, pandemic, nuclear war, or climate change induced famine? Talk about soiling the nest.)

Silk Road Briefing


  1. Nazis in Ukraine will also be going on hiatus.

  2. Chris Hedges: Waltzing To Armageddon

  3. "Yeah," the Russian pumpkin, who is the head pumpkin of a one-party state, who jails and executes journalists who threaten his pumpkinship rule, who just this past week talked of purifying what the pumpkin considers Russian lands -- "yeah," this pumpkin behaving like a freakin' Nazi is going to de-nazify Ukraine. Lol...

    1. "one-party pumpkin state," not "one-party state."

  4. Hypersonic Superweapons Are a Mirage, New Analysis Says

    Two scientists find revolutionary claims about the evasion of detection and defenses to be “nonsense.”

    1. Best to listen to Trump and invest in the much faster hydrosonic missiles.

  5. The head of the Regional State Administration of Nikolaev can be arrested by the SBU. According to our source, Kim’s inner circle is being checked now. It is suspected that one of the close associates of the head of the Regional State Administration handed over to Russian troops information about the deployment of Ukrainian troops in the city. It is possible that Vitaly Kim himself will fall under suspicion.

    Over the past day, the Russian army has inflicted very heavy losses on the Ukrainian army. In addition to the strike on the barracks of the 79th brigade, several other points where Ukrainian fighters were stationed were destroyed. Several artillery positions were also eliminated.

    Word on the street is Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine massively surrendered to Russian troops in the Kiev region.

    The Ukrainian military from the 14th motorized rifle brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine laid down their arms in the Kopylov area today. Between 6-9 thousand troops.

    As those who surrendered told the Russian military, the brigade was completely demoralized under the blows of Russian Su-34 bombs, the command fell into confusion, and the soldiers began to leave their positions. Are now helping the Russians identify Ukraine positions in Kiev.

    The Russian liberation army has given the Azov Battalion a deadline of 4am to surrender in Mariupol. Or be obliterated.

    As soon as the big toys came out of the toy box.I thought the Ukrainian forces would start to surrender in bigger numbers. They have also started using their ships in the black sea to hit defensive areas.

    The gloves came off and this will be over soon. Unless, NATO decide to escalate even further.

  6. Scott Ritter speaks with Rick Walker and Brendan Walker on 20.3.2022.

    Russia deployed less than 20% of its military capability against a NATO standard trained army 2 and half times the size of the Russian force that was deployed. Has crushed it within weeks.

    Military strategists will be studying this for years.

    Mercenaries realised they were not up against a bunch of goat farmers in the desert without any air defences very quickly. Most have been obliterated within days of arriving in Ukraine.

    The art degree crowd thought it would be like playing call of duty and ordering a Dominoes pizza.

  7. Russia deployed less than 20% of its military capability against NATO in Ukraine.

    That's only out of the "roughly" 1 million standing army.

    Doesn't even include the 2 million they have in reserve.

    No wonder Poland and other countries nearby Who will be asked to redraw to the NATO lines of German unification by Russia when this is over. Have suddenly shat themselves and become incredibly very quiet all of a sudden.

    The war mongers will be screaming for peace soon enough.

    Have the liberals/ neo cons overplayed their hand ?

    For me it is a yes by a long way.

    Other countries must now be looking at America and thinking they are bat shit crazy.Run by a bunch of psychos.

  8. You forget. They won on Twitter and that's all that matters.

    Things people need to live magically turn up in Walmart for them to spend their 'basic income' on.

    The Magic Porridge Pot is there. All you have to do is believe in it *really* hard.

  9. I'm hoping just like the Iraq war Neil that the truth will eventually come out.

    But you are right .....

    Either way, by the strategy of political triangulation the liberals have virtually put a rest in peace sign on the left.

    Through their actions the liberals have crushed the life out of the left. What was left of it anyway. I seriously doubt the damage they have caused will ever be repaired.

    The populist left are now moving right in large numbers.

  10. I don't vote in elections anyway.

    Stopped as soon as I reached 20.

    Simply refuse to vote for the " least worst option" or lend my vote to a bunch of psychopaths every few years.

  11. "The populist left are now moving right in large numbers."

    Who will quickly find out once the right win power that China will be the target.

    Since via political triangulation the left will be non existent.

    Twitter will be screaming death to the Chinese.

  12. There hasn't been anything faintly resembling a genuine "left" as a factor in US politics, let alone a force, since the 1930's. US politics has been various gradations of the right since WWII. Since Bill Clinton chose the triangulation strategy recommended to him by GOP advisor Dick Morris, the Democratic power structure has been neoliberal and neocon regarding policy. In siding with corporate interests over labor it has destroyed its FDR base and also become corrupt.

    The GOP was always irredeemable as far as the real left goes.

    That means that genuine lefts have no real choice other than between the least bad option if they choose or third party/write-in to vote. The latter is tantamount to not voting as far as results go. There is no genuinely leftist third party in the US that is organized well-enough to make a difference.

  13. Who will quickly find out once the right win power that China will be the target.

    The GOP wants to do China first and then Russia. The Democratic establishment types that control the party want to do Russia first and then China.

    That's US foreign policy. Take your pick.
