

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Links — 31 Mar 2022

The Vineyard of the Saker
Day 35 of the Russian SMO in the Ukraine – a “naysayers special”!
The Saker

Reminiscence of the Future
Upcoming Finalization
Andrei Martyanov, former USSR naval officer and expert on Russian military and naval issues

Sitrep: Operation Z

Laura Ruggeri, Hong Kong based independent Italian journalist and author

Daily Reckoning
Rickards: I’ve Never Heard So Many Lies (Jim gets one right. Some people, mostly on the right are figuring this out. The left is still mostly clueless.)
Jim Rickards

Times of Israel
Hundreds march in Ukraine in annual tribute to Nazi collaborator
Cnaan Liphshiz

Sputnik International
Russia Still Awaiting OSCE's Response on [Armored] Cars Handed Over to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion - Envoy


  1. At least on of your links aren't really that current, just saying

    Stepan Bandera led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which fought alongside Nazi Germany during the Second World War, killed thousands of Jews and Poles
    4 January 2021, 9:26 am

  2. Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.”

    ― Julius Caesar

    This is also a lot to do with US foreign policy.

  3. @ sidchem

    The criterion for posting links is relevance rather than timeliness. However, this was posted yesterday at Strategic Culture and I followed the link to the source to give credit where credit is due.

    It is still relevant today, since Bandera veneration and all it represents is foundational to Ukrainian neo-Nazisim, the effects of which are now being revealed as people escape from the liberated areas and testify to events that happened there.

    This is being suppressed in Western mainstream "news," but it was front page in Israel a little over a year ago. As a result of the Western propaganda-shaped narrative, Russian claims of Ukrainian neo-Nazism and genocide in the Donbass region are not taken seriously. I have not posted much on the details of this because they are a gruesome.

  4. Tom

    I have pointed out earlier postings that came from Neo Nazis sites. I don't think those postings or your recent postings have much to do with economics or are relevant to discussions here. The US has many neo Nazi activities too that could be posted, but I don't think they are relevant in this forum. I think suppression of US economic news by the main stream is what would be most relevant in this space and leave the Nazis to people who have more interest and knowledge in this area.

    Also given the government suppression in Russia, I put less faith in what they say than our news system which at times isn't honest. Just because we have at times a dishonest system is really not a reason to turn to Russian sources.

    I can't see the purpose of deciding whether the Russians are saviors or fascist murders being relevant to MMT. Perhaps a discussion of how the sanctions are being delt with by the Russians would be since the outcome is a natural "experiment" on the effect of government policies when external events occur.

    Best regards


  5. @sidchem

    Think you for your opinion abut this. Mine is different obviously different and your argument has not changed my mind about it.

    To clarify, I don't think that economics exists in a vacuum. It is an integral aspect of the world system, and all national and regional economies are part of the global economy. Everything is interdependent.

    Just about everything of significance that transpires in the world system has an economic dimension, as I try to show.

    For instance, German Nazism had an economic basis in "Lebensraum." Hitler justified his attempt to seize Russian lands based not only on Germany's perceived need to expand territory but also because Russians were subhuman so their land was up for grabs. Hitler based his notions of this on the colonial seizure of land and resources, and either extermination or enslavement of indigenous people. He considered the US treatment of Native Americans and Africans as a good example to follow in Russia. There are people active today with similar ideas and motivation. Is this economics? Of course it is.

    Why post links to non-US and non-Western sources? Because I assume everyone has ample access to US and Western sources. Many people either don't have the time or expertise to research other sources that present contrasting views that may be significant in coming to an informed view based not only a accurate information but also causal explanation that makes information useful. This is what analysts do.

    Anyone not interested doesn't have to read the links section. I generally separate the links, which are geopolitical, from economic links, which are posted separately for this reason. Moreover, I realize many people may only have the time or interest to survey the headlines and maybe peruse some of the posts. But if I think something is relevant, I put it up. Feel free to disregard or disagree.

    Finally, I lived through false flags that led to the expansion of the Vietnam war, the inception of the Iraq war, many iterations in Syria, etc., and I have been appalled at the results. In my view, Ukraine is another instance of this playbook, which will continue to be used as long as it works. So I think it is worthwhile to question the conventional narratives. The stakes are high, including the possibility of nuclear winter.

    I think that the US, UK, and subservient Western leaders are unqualified. A fairly large number of people in the US apparently also think along these lines now. It's time for citizens to stand up and let their voices be heard.

  6. Tom

    Your are right, everything is connected to economics including what my dog eats for breakfast.

    My posts aren't meant to change your mind, but to point out that a lot of what you are posting is irrelevant to this Blog. There are plenty of others places to state your opinions, some of which I agree with. This Blog has the stated purpose of "An economics, investment, trading and policy blog with a focus on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)."

    Please consider taking your promoting the veracity of Russia's claims to another forum. Who knows maybe you will get more people to read what you are saying. I think you are damaging this one and sabotaging its purpose.

    Best wishes


  7. Tom Your are right, everything is connected to economics including what my dog eats for breakfast.

    Actually, what your dog eats for breakfast matters quite a bit to macroeconomics and you are going to be hearing more about it as food shortages increase. The amount of food that pets eat in aggregate is huge and there have been calls for people to get rid of their pets in countries where food is in short supply. Of course, in the end, people end up eating their pets when things get dire, before turning to eating humans.
