

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Pepe Escobar tweet - Putin

 I put out a post here the other day which showed that Putin held a very high moral ground, and I said that he did not launder money, amongst other things. I also put out an article by a wealthy Russian who owned the Evening Standard who said that Putin was not a crook. 

I've watched loads of speeches, news articles, and conferences that Putin has held, and I found him to be very earnest and decent person, with views that seemed similar to my own. I've also found him to be very consistent in these views. 

On twitter the other day I said that Putin does not launder money, and this was one of the replies - 🤣🤣🤣. 

The propaganda against Putin has been relentless for years, so now most people have been totally brainwashed, and so if you tell them anything different, they look at you as if you're mad, hence the 🤣🤣🤣. Over the years we've had stories on Putin's billions, his girlfriends, his palaces, plus the poisoning saga BS! 

Added to this, are some of the most awful photos of Putin that the MSM can find. In some, Putin appears to be laughing at us. But you could get photos like these of anyone, especially if thousands are taken, as is the case for top politicians. 

But, it turns out yet again that it is us, the West, that is crooked. 

Now, without spending a lot of time with Putin, I wouldn't know if he was a good guy or a bad guy, but I do know propaganda when I see it. 

Alexander Lebedev: Vladimir Putin is not the villain; it’s the West’s banks laundering money

Highly paid British, American and Swiss bankers and lawyers have helped in suspicious and bogus deals

Anyway, I hope this statement is true. 

Pepe Escobar - 

This is Putin today, essentially announcing that oligarchs in Russia are doomed.


  1. For what it is worth, I recall reading a comment by an American explaining why Yeltsin chose Putin.

    He thought it was because Putin was, first, a Russian patriot and not a communist, secondly, smart and highly competent, and incorruptible.

    Yeltsin felt betrayed by Clinton and wanted to stick to the US over Serbia and other fiascos and figured that Putin was the guy to do it.

    The guy investigated the last and found that Russians in a position to know agreed that Putin was Mr. Clean.

    Unfortunately, I read that some time ago and have forgotten where. Since, I have tried to find it but with no success.

  2. It is true.

    The exact passage is taken from his speech to the regions. Which is posted on Michael Hudson's super imperialism post further up Mikes blog.

  3. He actually goes a lot further and talks about true Russians can tell if they are genuine. Like an insect will spit them onto the pavement.

    Or something like that.

  4. 18 mins into the speech he goes for the oligarchs.
