

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Zero Hedge — Germany Scrambles To Ration Gas After Refusing To Make Payments In Rubles

Let's just say that the situation is fluid, as the post shows. Standing of principle sounds fine, but the foundation of principle is sand, not granite.

Zero Hedge
Germany Scrambles To Ration Gas After Refusing To Make Payments In Rubles
Tyler Durden

See also at ZH
European leaders have grown quite fond of bandying about the notion of liberating their economies from their dependence on Russian oil and gas. Unfortunately, the numbers just don't make sense...
This is what happens when you don't think things through before taking action.

Europe's Plan To Boost LNG Imports From US, Elsewhere Faces Major Obstacles
Tyler Durden


BoE Gov Warns Of "Historic Shock" To Real Incomes As Stagflation Slams British Economy

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