

Friday, April 15, 2022

Musk/TWTR a MAGA Breakdown


Bannon (former Goldman Sachs) with Cernovich, Posobiec, Revolver News break it down…


  1. Well it is all here Matt.


    American First Policy Institute Launceston today on the one-year anniversary.

    You heard here first on Mike's blog. Just look at the cross over from the Heritage foundation that I posted up yesterday and what their budget would look like.

    The priorities are just about indentical. Which I have been saying all along as I've been following republican white house policies and Heritage policies for over 6 years now.

    MAGA isn't new or different. It is Heritage foundation 101.

    Truth social is a combination of Zero Hedge and Breibart comment sections. An amalgamation of sheep ready to be dipped again by the Heritage foundation. They Can't even see it coming as they are asleep.

  2. American First Policy Institute

    Is the Heritage foundation policy institute worded differently with the exact same thinking and policies period.

    To try and hide the connection.

    As I say keep listening to Mike Pence it is all there in plain English.

    LOOK and STUDY the cross over Matt. Like I have for 6 years.

  3. I don’t see much wrong with it…

    Cut taxes , increase Defense, defund ESG, promote domestic industrial development and infrastructure, close the borders, etc…

    All sounds good to me..,

  4. Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank… so they are going to come up with this type of stuff…

  5. It is how you put lipstick on a pig.

    The American First Policy Institute response to Biden's budget is the budget from the Heritage foundation I posted up yesterday. With all the exact same priorities.

  6. " so they are going to come up with this type of stuff "

    Wrong ....

    The Heritage foundation is American First Policy Institute. Listen to Mike Pence.

  7. I don’t know what you are trying to do but if you are looking for a political think tank that says “we’re not out of money!” then hate to break the news to you but you’re never going to find it..,

  8. “ The American First Policy Institute response to Biden's budget is the budget from the Heritage foundation I posted up yesterday. With all the exact same priorities.”

    Ok good.. I mostly agree with those priorities… I am not a globalist libertarian of the left I am a nationalist authoritarian of the right…

  9. "Cut taxes , increase Defense, defund ESG, promote domestic industrial development and infrastructure, close the borders, etc…

    All sounds good to me..,"

    The exact same policies they do Every time in they are in power that never make a difference. What's new about it Matt ?

    There's not a single economic policy that is new - It is a classic case of 70 years of rinse and repeat expecting a different outcome.

    Apart from the fact they continue to asset strip the place and turned the public sector into a rent extracting monopoly.

    Yeah sure they'll cut your taxes alright. Then any extra disposable income you get from the Tax cuts. Will be quickly transferred to the rent seekers who had formed monopolies to fit their prices for the public services they provide.

    You won't be one $ better off now matter how much they cut taxes. You'll just end up paying more on your bills.

  10. " I mostly agree with those priorities "

    Then you are a sheep ready to be dipped and truth social is the right place for you. You can all graze together thinking this is something new, bright and shiny.

    When it isn't

    It is rinse and repeat that has never worked no matter how many times they try it and call it by a different name. With disco lights and a big ribbon attached.

    There is nothing new about it. It is a monopoly rent seekers paradise.

  11. It is old and tired Republican party policy.

    Lipstick on a pig.

    That has never worked or created full employment. That just transfers wealth upwards via monopoly rent seeking.

    That creates more and more oligarchs that poison and corrupt democracy.

    That's the reality. There's absolutely nothing new here, no matter how much zero hedge and Breibart readers wish it.

    This is what truth social has to say about it. A very clear and concise response to America first.

  12. Populist/nationalist has not been the GOP policy… this is the Trump policy vs the Bush policy in GOP which is going on right now Trump is winning.,, it started back in the earlyv90s when Pat Buchanan challenged Bush 1 in primary… I voted for Buchanan…

    “ monopoly rent seekers paradise.”

    GOP broke OPEC when Trump was in there by increasing us domestic production .., oil went to -35….

    Pump prices $2..

  13. The real theft doesn't take plan on the Tax side.

    The real theft on disposable income takes place on the monopoly rent extracting side when they manipulate their prices for the services they offer.

    Now up to over 60% of wages in some cases and rising.

    Energy, travel, utilities, education, healthcare, childcare, rent, loans and mortgages, credit card cebt, free and charges etc, etc, etc ......

    That's where the real theft takes place. They keep cutting your taxes so they can take more and more to entrench their wealth and power and poison democracy and beat the drums of war.

  14. A nationalist authoritarian of the right budget.

    Will NEVER do anything to fix it. Will do nothing to stop the real theft.

    Shrink the state means a bigger and growing banking sector and corporations. That hold all the power and can never be removed at the ballot box.

    Why large budget deficits hurt banking profits

    Who is going to govern, and on whose terms? The obvious answer is, the class with the money: Wall Street and the corporate sector.

    They clamor for a balanced budget, saying, “We don’t want the government to fund public infrastructure. We want it to be privatized in a way that will generate profits for the new owners, along with interest for the bondholders and the banks that fund it; and also, management fees. Most of all, the privatized enterprises should generate capital gains for the stockholders as they jack up prices for hitherto public services.”

    Look at them changes to the Tax Code they propose . The slashing of the budget.

    Bondholders ✔

    Banks ✔

    Capital Gains ✔

    Stockholders ✔

    The real theft will continue at a quicker pace.

  15. Truth social blame the FED and Bitcoin will fix it.

    Blame the government and the state. If only the banks and big business could be free from regulation. The free market tooth fairy who always have an open cheque book ready to hire the unemployed will sort it out. Tax cuts will create full employment this time forget the other 89 times it was tried. Let's just ignore those failures sweep them under the carpet.

    Put tariffs on those godless commies that'll fix the Chinese. If not let's nuke em.

    With a combined IQ less than room temperature.

  16. You are going to be dipped again Matt for the umpteenth time in your life.

    With big bold letters of red dye imprinted on your fleece. That spells out MAGA.

    Short for Heritage Foundation.

  17. This is the number one strategy of America first in a nut shell Matt.

    Right here...

    Every now and then a squirrel is thrown in for good measure or a bible.

  18. Full employment will remain abandoned until the demise of civilization.

  19. Full of sh@t employers are here to stay.

  20. Firms result in superior material outcomes to all alternatives…

    Drive on any toll road it’s smooth, aligned bridge joints, litter is picked up, salted and plowed immediately etc.. vs drive on a regular non toll road… potholes everywhere, literally rebar sticking up out if the surface, bridge joints 1” misaligned, trash all over the place, lights not working, etc..

    There is no comparison…

    Look at the efficiency of SpaceX vs NASA… Blackwater vs DoD, too many examples to list…

    What happens to you Darwin peoples “survival of the fittest!” in this situation?

  21. Drive on any toll road it’s smooth, aligned bridge joints, litter is picked up, salted and plowed immediately etc.. vs drive on a regular non toll road… potholes everywhere, literally rebar sticking up out if the surface, bridge joints 1” misaligned, trash all over the place, lights not working, etc..

    There is no comparison…

    In my experience, this is characteristic of the East. I have not seen it in the Midwest and West, where there are fewer toll roads anyway.

  22. Matt, here in Florida the toll roads are not as good as the interstate highways. Not even close.

  23. Toll roads in Canada tend to be of new construction. They collect for a decade or so, then people get fed up, and the tolls are removed. We're better at building new roads than maintaining them.
