

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Naive Questions About Russia’s War Economy — Yves Smith

A link to John Helmer's post was provided here at MNE yesterday. It is posted to Naked Capitalism today, prefaced with Yves' comments, which are worth reading. So is Helmer's article if you didn't catch it yesterday.

"Combined Biden" is banking on the economic war along with proxy war to bring down Russia instead of directly involving the US and NATO in kinetic warfare, which neither the American or European public are ready for, owing to the cost, and which neither the US or NATO militaries are prepared for either.

So that is a lot hanging on the outcome of this challenge that Russia is facing. The US has yet to employ secondary sanctions, preferring pressure and threats at this point. But if secondary sanctions would come into play, the world economy could be seriously affected if countries choose their own interests in spite of US pressure, China being the wild card that could disrupt the global applecart.

US and Western behavior regarding this is likely not to be completely rational, considering that a lot of charge is associated with it — reputations on the line, cognitive-affective biases triggered, etc.


  1. "kinetic warfare"?

    Tom, does this involve kinetic energy?

    And, if yes, is a course in introductory physics required to understand this convoluted phrase wrapped in what appears to be a coating of justification for the land/resources theft of Ukraine by the fascist, neo-nazi (in case you're still on the look out for nazis) Russian regime?

  2. Kinetic energy describes the motion of objects, such as bullets and missiles.
    Kinesis is the science of body movement.
    Conventional war is the art of using kinetic weapons to halt kinesis.
    Nuclear war is the art of irradiating the environment to halt kinesis.

  3. Bumpkin is another Greek word for movement.
