

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Russian geoeconomics Tzar Sergey Glazyev introduces the new global financial system — Pepe Escobar

The world's new monetary system, underpinned by a digital currency, will be backed by a basket of new foreign currencies and natural resources. And it will liberate the Global South from both western debt and IMF-induced austerity.
The Cradle


  1. Intel Report from March Moscow Policy conference- Ukraine Denazification and Z.

    By George Eliason is excellent.

    "Z” represents the zero-hour or zero-minute during WWII all 3rd Reich forces including the OUN armies were defeated in the European battle space. There were no more Nazis in Europe fighting Allied forces. It was the exact moment where you could hear a drop of water splash instead of a shell exploding or a rifle firing.

    “V” represents Victory Day which our grandparents and parents celebrated for decades in the west. How did we forget this?

    In 2014, just before the first battles were fought in Donbass, Right Sector leader and heir to the Bandera OUNb legacy in Ukraine Dimitro Yarosh proclaimed-

    “Once again the glorious Bandera armies will cross the Dnieper and destroy the Soviet scum.” This was in March 2014, and his reference was to fellow Ukrainian citizens in Donbass.

    For Ukrainian nationalists, the past 8 years and forcing Russian intervention has been about reliving the war their grandparents fought and winning this time to right the wrong of 3rd Reich defeat. In the beginning, the nationalists timed every attack on every Ukrainian city including Mariupol on the day “Z” was declared for that particular city or literally the day the city was freed from Nazi occupation in WWII.

    Ukraine’s nationalists are open about all this. Why aren’t you hearing them?

  2. He is an American journalist living in Ukraine.

    He was invited to speak at a few Russian Duma led conferences on various subjects including Ukrainian information war and Ukrainian nationalism as the Duma was exploring policy positions going forward.

    Part of the reason for this is his work is cited in close to 400 academic papers on Ukraine, Ukrainian history, information war, information operations, propaganda, and so on. He's been cited in over 20 academic books in various languages on the same subjects. Coupling this with having lived in Donbass for 10 years and west-central Ukraine for 2 years before this gives him a unique perspective on the developing situation.

  3. He has been an American journalist in the middle of it all since 2010

    These are his articles during that time



  4. When you read George Eliason article - The Rise of Ukraine’s Ultra-Nationalist Christian Church. In Ukraine, politics have taken over religion and nationalists are turning war criminals into religious icons.

    Written in 2018 - That very important part of the puzzle is often missed out.

    America have their own version of that it is called the war room podcast by Steve Bannon.

    When did I ever think it is morally superior to support Russia ? You've just made that up.

    I've said from the very beginning I think Russia has a right to defend itself against NATO and the EU.

    Only complete lunatics thought he would just sit there and take it and a war between nuclear superpowers can ever be won.

    Every Nazi killed in Ukraine puts a spring in my step and a smile on my face. Sue me.

  5. Ukraine’s nationalists are open about all this. Why aren’t you hearing them?

    They aren't reading Mike Norman Economics.

  6. Why would you as a citizen of a non combatant take a side in a war unless you thought the one side was morally superior?

    “ Russia has a right to defend itself against NATO and the EU.”

    Ukraine isn’t part of NATO… and nobody attacked Russia, Russia attacked Ukraine …

  7. Iraq posed no threat to the U.S. It was 6000 miles away. And the U.S. attacked.

    If Russia, Iran and China put nuclear capable missiles on the border of Canada, Mexico and the U.S. believe me, the U.S. would take a military response.

    NATO is not an organization for peace.

  8. George Eliason is excellent.

    Agree. I used to link to him years ago but I haven't run into him lately and forgot about him. That is indeed an excellent report. I'll put him back on the list.

  9. Mike NATO is part of a Defense treaty… no, not a peace treaty…

    Now Finland and Sweden are trying to get in NATO… the NATO incumbents are arming to the teeth…. US Defense budget probably going to $1T next year … “inflation!”…

    Russia military experiencing attrition in material and personnel…

    I think a better analogy would be if Russia put nukes or tried to put nukes in Cuba, Canada Mexico and Brazil all wouldn’t be trying to quickly join the Warsaw Pact…

    Putin thinks his citizens will rather associate with China than Europeans… I don’t see it …

  10. Putin thinks his citizens will rather associate with China than Europeans… I don’t see it …

    Recent polling in Russia show that Russians' opinion of the West is cratering and opinion of China is rising fast. Russians are convinced that Europe wants to cancel them. They see the future as lying with the Global South/East rather than the Global North/West. This is a huge reversal of Russian public opinion. They get that this is all about breaking Russia.
