

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Sitrep: Operation Z — Nightvision

The situation in Ukraine is approaching a junction point. The US/NATO is determined not to lose and is seemingly committing to do what it takes to prevail.  Nightvision lays out some scenarios involving escalation. How this may unfold is unclear but preparations are underway. While Nightvision does not mention it, NATO honchos are meeting at the US base in Ramstein to discuss strategy, along with the head of Ukraine's military. NATO versus Russia appears to be on.

Meanwhile the standoff at the Azovstal seems to be resolving.

The Vineyard of the Saker
Sitrep: Operation Z


  1. Nudge, nudge and pretty soon you find yourself transported and a gun shoved in your hand.

    Where's the pushback coming from?

  2. Where's the pushback coming from?

    Nowhere and why the EU was set up the way it was.

    As an extension of the US military and nobody is allowed to step out of line. Why they hand pick their leaders and make sure people like corbyn, Bernie and Mélenchon don't win. Why Trump was attacked from day one.

    All of this would have happened and been planned for Hillary Clinton to carry out.

    Where the real surprise has come from is how big tech and the media have become subservient to it all and ceased to exist. The scale and breadth of the propaganda has been simply breathtakingly unbelievable.

    It is not just because of the fog of war. The press has been bought and sold a long time ago but never before has it been so blatant with no push back whatsoever.

    Incredibly what very little push back there has been is from Tucker Carlson.

  3. Just another example of when the right act like the left and the left act like the right.

    Which is really becoming a battle of two camps for and against globalism and neoliberalism.

    Those 2 camps are no longer built on the old left and right politics. They are being put aside and some very strange alliances are taking place.

    The reason I am pretty sure this is happening is the 3-4 years I spent on comments sections on right wing blogs trying to spread MMT. There was many times I found myself agreeing with what the people in the comments sections were saying and I am from the left.

    They despise globalism as much as the left and big business.

    Which shouldn't really be a suprise. We all live side by side, we work side by side, we go to the same pubs and restaurants. We are really not that different at all.

    The liberals have poisoned the well so that we are always at each other's throats. The centre right and centre left the liberal left and liberal right the globalists and neoliberals. Work for the leisure class and capital why the media try and move everybody to the middle.

  4. " According to the Russian MOD almost 50,000 of AFU’s manpower has already been irrecoverably attritioned whether by KIA, MIA, WIA, POW, etc. "

    I knew it would be closer to 50K than 30k that was from 24k in March.

    It is what we are seeing in the ground they are being annihilated. Should come as no suprise.

    But pick up the Guardian and the lies and myths are unbelievable. The media are hiding the slaughter.

    The Guardian HQ and New York Times and Washington Post are now a sess pits of corruption.

    Have been ever since Manning and Assange. The turning point of when the push back was stopped by the security services.

  5. You'll be lucky if Russia has lost 4k

    It is target practice for missiles and bombs and the artillary modern warfare. The troops just end up mopping up and giving out humanitarian aid. Then the civil service move in start issuing in rubles and start paying pensions in rubles the real build back better.

    create the civic infrastructure To set up referendums to absorb them into Russian control.

  6. No shock and awe the way the Russians are trained to fight. Scorched earth strategy.

    None of that. How Russia has approached this will be studied by military academies for decades to come.

    Outnumbered 2:1 as well and only used 20% - 25% of their total military capacity. Up from 10% at the start of the campaign.

  7. As Ukrainian soldiers stop behaving like marionettes, is NATO willing to send in their own puppets?

    All good things must come to an end - including puppet shows.

  8. The way I would summarise the war using a MMT analogy.

    When the West fights in the middle East and elsewhere their military used interest rate targeting and tax increases.

    Russia has used the job guarentee in Ukraine


  9. On the other hand, Blinken said we can't "be more Ukrainian than the Ukrainians" when asked if the US would accept a neutral Ukraine if that's what the Ukrainians decided. Blinken's been all over the map but was the most positive statement I've seen him make yet.
