

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

US on brink of recklessness in Ukraine — Stephen Bryen

Stephen Bryen is a neoconservative whose mentor was Richard Perle. A hawk, he is an unlikely person to be warning about developments, but he is also a realist. He is also an insider and speaks from experience in and knowledge of the US foreign policy and military apparatus from the POV of the right. He is looking at the unfolding situation from the point of view of a foreign policy realist rather than a foreign policy idealist. The is where neoconservatism meets in US politics. At this junction there are neoconservatives that tend to ward realism, generally Republicans, and neoconservatives that advocate for foreign policy idealism, generally Democrats.

Asia Times
US on brink of recklessness in Ukraine
Stephen Bryen | Senior Fellow at the American Center for Democracy, the Center for Security Policy. He has served as a senior staff director of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as the Executive Director of a grassroots political organization, as the head of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, as the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Trade Security Policy, and as the founder and first director of the Defense Technology Security Administration. He is the author of Technology Security and National Power: Winners and Losers, and of three volumes of Essays in Technology, Security and Strategy. Dr. Bryen was twice awarded the Defense Department’s highest civilian honor, the Distinguished Service Medal.

See also

Westminster Institute (4 Fed 2022)
Russia and Ukraine: What’s Next? (Video and transcript)
Stephen Bryen


Responsible Statecraft
The horrible dangers of pushing a US proxy war in Ukraine
Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow on Russia and Europe at Quincy Institute


Meanwhile, economist Peter Dorman offers a typically American solution for the Ukrainian situation, bribe Russian soldiers to defect.

In Ukraine, Use the Weapon the Russians Can’t Match
Peter Dorman | Professor of Political Economy, The Evergreen State College


  1. Corporate/national security state censorship operation News Guard Rating
    is preparing to blacklist several anti-imperialist sites including
    The Grayzone.

  2. The march on the Hill by Trump supporters really has these guys spooked. It looks like anything that threatens the Hill being over run again is to be neutered.

  3. I love Max response

    Mike will have to do one of these when they come for MMT.


  4. British geo-strategist Halford John Mackinder - Heartland Thesis

  5. British geo-strategist Halford John Mackinder - Heartland Thesis

    Good article — except for the economics, but that is par for the course. Excepting the MMT folks and some heterodox economists, most of the World is clueless about how it works.

  6. “Mike will have to do one of these when they come for MMT.”

    LOL they ridicule MMT… they WISH that MMT was more talked about…

    Get a grip…

  7. Washington's propaganda is reckless, their involvement is Machiavellian.

    This hawk should stop squawking. It doesn't get better than this.

  8. They are already using the inflation narrative to come after MMT.

    Just in case you were asleep and missed it Matt.

  9. “ They are already using the inflation narrative to come after MMT.”

    I know that’s why they want it promoted.., the more it’s talked about the worse it looks and to more people…
