

Monday, May 16, 2022

Links — 16 May 2022 Part 1

Moon of Alabama
British Info-Warriors Kill Abroad And Sabotage Politics At Home

The Grayzone
Operation Surprise: leaked emails expose secret intelligence coup to install Boris Johnson
Kt Klarenberg

Nuclear War Over Ukraine? A Talk By Ray McGovern (video)
Veterans for Peace

The Vineyard of the Saker
Death by a thousand cuts: where is the west’s Ukraine strategy? (Really good. Should read.)
Pepe Escobar

Sitrep Operation Z: Many Rumors and not enough Facts (fog of war)
The Saker Staff

FM Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the 30th Assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy
MUS-READ! This short speech will go down in history as the summation of what this conflict is about. Sergei Lavrov explains the background and present trajectory, which involves the creation of a new world order, either a "rules-based order" that cements US world domination and globalist totalitarian control (neoliberalism--neoimperialism-neocolonialism) or a multipolar world based on international law and the Westphalian concept of the sovereign nation state.

Gonzalo Lira: Ukraine Soldiers Can’t Complain About Western Weapons (video)

Southfront (sanctioned by the US Treasury Department)
What Happens If US Designates Russia ‘A State Sponsor Of Terrorism’?
Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Sputnik International (Russian state-sponsored media)
Russian MoD: Toxic Cloud Moving Towards Kramatorsk After Ukraine's Special Forces Provocation

TASS (Russian state media)
McDonald's will resume work in Russia under new brand in mid-June — source (how does this hurt Russia?)

Russia’s oil production up 1.7% in first half of May to 1.398 mln tonnes per day

Ruble up against dollar, euro as foreign currency trading starts on Moscow Exchange

Moscow to renew production of Moskvich-branded cars — city mayor

French carmaker Renault’s assets in Russia get nationalized, ministry announces


  1. In the Blind Spot (Diesel, Tractors, Inflation)

    Izabella is no MMT'r that's for sure.

    Talking about markets central banks and inflation and market power

    Within this curious little titbit. I nearly fell off my seat.

    " Things are getting strange in space coverage.

    Notes that “the other extraordinary revolution in space is being led by the US Congress, which is now forcefully compelling the Department of Defence and the various US Intelligence Agencies to reveal what they have and know about UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon).”

    Izabella At the Blind Spot has been following the subtle formalisation of the UAP story with curiosity. "Something is definitley up, because serious channels are becoming ever louder about the topic."

    Eric Weinstein says “something huge is up”. Concludes either our government is engaged in deception and is utterly brilliant about it or aliens are real.

    Summary of current events from Lue Elizondo on this Talk TV discussion (from 1hr 5mins).

  2. I'm 100% in favor of a space alien intervention.

  3. The Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon hearing is in congress tomorrow.

    Apparently it is common occurrence out at sea reported by the Navy. listening to Lue Elizondo in the video. Objects doing things that our technology can't do yet.

    Physics thought they had a dark matter problem lol.

    Anyhoo you can decide for yourselves. I'd need to see one of these objects with my own eyes as I struggle to believe anything that comes out of Washington nowadays.

  4. I'm 100% in favor of a space alien intervention.


    Only if they all look like Kim Bassinger from the 80's then I'm in.

  5. "serious channels are becoming ever louder about the topic."

    What is a serious channel nowadays and what TV networks are they on about ?

    I can't find any.

    When Izabella was back in Poland last week..

    "Meanwhile, on the domestic media front, I found it interesting that some of the old family friends of my mother that I meet when I am in Poland (my surrogate aunties so to speak), were of the opinion that everything on TV is now propaganda. Whether that’s the news from the government side or from the opposition."

    Seems to be a worldwide phenomenon.

    The ruling class in big trouble ?

    The BBC repeated today on the Radio 35 times that Ukraine is winning the war. An expert from the UK military.

    How are they going to spin it and do a complete 180 when Ukraine suffers a massive defeat of massive surrender ?

    Be interesting to watch how the narrative and framing changes on that one for future reference.

  6. I got married on a beach on the Hawaian Island of Kauai. In a place called Hanalei bay.

    On a boat trip around the Island I saw flying fish for the first time. They blew my mind never mind if I ever saw one of these objects thingymabobs.

  7. There's an invasive species called Asian Carp that know how to fly.

    Here's some pro-alien music
    Fountains of Wayne - I Want An Alien For Christmas

  8. “ I'd need to see one of these objects with my own eyes”

    Same here… never have… I have talked to people I otherwise trust who have though..,

    I still don’t believe it..,

  9. My mother and I saw a UFO slowly descend behind a mountain. It was a white globe with a horizontal ring around it. Sort of like a miniature Saturn. To this day I have no answer to what it was.
