

Friday, May 20, 2022

Links — 20 May 2022 Part 1

The Vineyard of the Saker
Sitrep Operation Z: The Ukrainian fighters’ will to resist is deteriorating fast
The Saker Staff

So How Serious is Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Romance?
Cynthia Chung for the Saker Blog

Gonzalo Lira: There Is No “Open Corridor” Through West and Central Ukraine (2 videos)

Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Moscow, May 18, 2022 (Extensive) (podcast)
Will Biden’s Ivy-Mantled Advisers Take China’s Warnings Seriously This Time?
Ray McGovern, co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, and retired 27-year career CIA whose tasks included preparing and briefing The President’s Daily Brief and leading the Soviet Foreign Policy Branch

Moon of Alabama
Ukraine SitRep - Russians Break Through U.S. Bolsterism

The Dreizin Report
The #1 Structural Problem with U.S. Governance
Jacob Dreizin
Twitter To Ramp Up Censorship Of ‘Misinformation’ About The Ukraine War
Caitlin Johnstone


  1. NYtimes leader apparently mildly questioning the approach to the war in Ukraine


  2. Overplayed their hand bigly to try and get regime change.

    Now that they know for sure it ain't going to work. They are trying to hold onto as much of Ukraine as they can before it quickly morphs into Russian territory.

    So the narrative and framing will start to change why the head of the Pentagon spoke with Putin on the phone and asked for an immediate ceasefire.

    Nobody knows how far Russia is going to go are they going to split it East/ West or North/ South.

    It is very clear now Russia is in charge of the timetable. Once their objectives (whatever they are) is complete it will be over.

    It is going to look very foolish if the West's narrative and framing completely flips 180 with a Ukrainian defeat. They are going to have to figure a way to flip 180 slowly and drip feed the BS. So they don't look so much weaker to the rest of the World than they did before it started.

    I'm intrigued to see how they are going to approach it and pull it off. As I think it will be very difficult as people with IQ's higher than room temperature barely believe a word they say nowadays anyway.

    Get the popcorn out.

  3. Top story on CBC is about monkey pox. Will Putin be blamed?

  4. I saw that in the blind spot link I posted last night but never read about it.

  5. Blind Spot collaborates with A Long Time In Finance

    Their very first episode - Cryptocalypse Now!

    Cryptocurrencies are collapsing across the etherspace. Neil and Jonathan talk to Izabella Kaminska, founder of the Blind Spot and keen cryptowatcher, about Terra, Luna and Tether, the death spiral of the stablecoins, and whether anyone in the real world should care.

  6. Tethers doing ok but they open sourced their book iirc.,,,

  7. “The report also reflects an increase in the group's investments in money market and U.S. Treasury bills, which rose from $34.5 billion to $39.2 billion, an increase of more than 13%.”

    Consider Tether like “full reserve bank”, iow tether going towards 1 USD govt securities for every 1 unit of USDT they issue…
