

Monday, May 30, 2022

Links — 30 May 2022 Part 2

Consortium News
SCOTT RITTER: Phase Three in Ukraine
Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, serving in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, on General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons inspector

Reminiscence of the Future
Bernhard Did An Excellent Write-up.

The Essence Of Western Media.
Andrei Martyanov, former USSR naval officer and expert on Russian military and naval issues.

RT — Question More (Russian state-sponsored media)
Vladislav Ugolniy, a Russian journalist based in Donetsk

British media ‘whitewashing’ Ukrainian neo-Nazis, UK journalist tells RT (Steve Sweeney, an international editor at the Morning Star, London)
Empire Solves Ukraine’s Nazi Problem With A Logo Change
Caitlin Johnstone

The "Red" Roots of the U.S. National Security State
Sandwichman (Tom Walker)


  1. Ukraine's unity is crumbling.

    As shown here

    And here

    Plus politicians are not turning up for work as they have already left the country. Why now you see those that can afford it can now pay to leave the country.

    Either full surrender is imminent or Zelensky will had to give the Russians everything they asked for. As you can hear everywhere he is now desperate to talk with Putin. American generals are coming out and slowly doing a 180.

  2. The narrative and framing is changing in the western press.

    As they slowly drip feed the BS while doing a 180 as they try to save face.

    Won't matter just like the Iraq war and Syrian war the truth will come out eventually. This is really going to hurt the already tainted reputation of the West as the world changes and the geopolitical map moves around.

    As they overplayed their hand bigly for regime change.

  3. Pooty Poot dead?

  4. "Marketeers are WEIRD (from a Western, educated, industrial, rich and democratic elite) and consumers are not. "

    I do like that. Explains a lot.


    Ha ha. Add another rumor to the many circulating about Putin (and the Russian military being incompetent, Ukraine winning, etc).

    Many of the rumors about Putin can be traced to MI6, specifically Richard Dearlove and former agent Christopher Steele, fabricator of the Russiagate dossier, who started the rumor about Putin having cancer. Trump derangement syndrome has shifted to Putin derangement syndrome.

    The MSM are not embarrassed by picking up and repeating these rumors, which have no substance when traced. Such is the propaganda (fake news) echo chamber.

  6. Andrei Martyanov refers to collective Biden and collective Putin. As for the latter, even if Putin died, nothing would change. Who knows, maybe the person replacing Putin would be worse for the Ukrainians.

    It's like when the US kills the leader of ISIS, and then you find out that ISIS number 2 is even worse.
