

Friday, July 8, 2022

Europe goes green

Saw this yesterday…. Almost spit my coffee out…. I guess I’m not the only one who sees this… 


  1. Well, there are some forms of nuclear waste that glow green...

  2. Status update: Dustbin of History

    Adding... MMT
    Adding... Green energy movement

  3. My wife has been doing a set of interviews with the BBC.

    She edited and put together interviews with Ian McKellen, Novak Djokovic the first after he got kicked out of the Australian open, Billie Jean King and Greta.

    All of them have already gone out apart from the Greta one. It's due to go out in a few weeks.

    I can't give anything away.

    However, for somebody so young age handles the media pressure better than some adults. There are a lot of bitter and twisted people out there that attacks this child and they wouldn't last 2 mins in this interviews she's been through.

  4. Are you aware of who Greta's parents are?

  5. Peter here is the "deep dive" of the Weimar era you were looking for a few weeks back.

    Very, very, very good but is it "really" any different from Today ?

    Engelbert Stockhammer joins Money on the Left to discuss the political and economic debates that shaped and ultimately devastated Weimar-era Germany. Professor Stockhammer is professor of political economy in the department of European and International Studies at King’s College London and has published widely on financial instability and Post-Keynesian economics. In this episode, we focus specifically on Stockhammer’s recent working paper, “Hilferding, Woytinsky, and the Fiscal Orthodoxy of Interwar Social Democracy,” published by the Post-Keynesian Economics Society in Fall 2021.

    In the essay, Stockhammer reconsiders the so-called “WTB Plan,” a union-backed public works program, which was tragically rejected by the Social Democratic Party (or “SPD”) on seemingly Marxist grounds. During our conversation, we explore the biographies and arguments of two key players in this historical drama: Vladmir Woytinksy, the Russian-born socialist economist responsible for drafting the WTB plan and Rudolf Hilferding, the Austrian-Marxist theorist and politician who turned the SPD against it. Along the way, we consider the stakes and fate of Weimar-era fiscal politics in light of a hegemonic gold standard that ruled across Europe and the United States, growing unemployment and suffering, and the German fascist movement that rose to answer such problems in violent and genocidal ways. Finally, we ponder how unrealized Weimar futurities in the past can help inform the struggle for public full employment today.

    What is so crazy about the whole period is while the usual suspects were fighting with each other exactly like today and with the real power at play. It was the Nazis that picked up on the public works programme and ran with it. After getting rid of the real power and then getting rid of those who came up with the idea. Killed them, ran them out of the country or put them in prison.

    The whole history is fascinating and Bill Mitchell was alive and well back then. Just a different person with a different name. So was real power and business interests who always won the rural vote . Sound familiar ?

    All we need now is a bunch of fascists to win and run with the JG. History has repeated itself for the millionth time.

    Vladmir Woytinksy, the Russian-born socialist economist responsible for drafting the WTB plan and Rudolf Hilferding, the Austrian-Marxist theorist and politician who turned the SPD against it.

    Are also alive and well today in a different form with a different name. Fascinating characters.

  6. Yes I do.

    Means nothing just ask Eric Douglas.

  7. All we need now is a bunch of fascists to win and run with the JG. History has repeated itself for the millionth time.

    Use the JG to get elected, and then start a war to act as a JG?

    Thanks for the link, I'll get to it sometime today.

  8. What Greta and those circles are pushing, is a dead end. With the war in Ukraine, and energy crisis, their whole strategy is done for.

    Greta Derangement Syndrome afflicts the right. It is funny to watch.


    The manufacturing of Greta Thunberg - for consent: the political economy of the non-profit industrial complex We are introduced to the not-so accidental phenomena of Greta Thunberg, the current child prodigy and face of the youth climate change movement. The "climate change is real" message is reframed for public consumption and rolled out at an international level, using Greta and her global platform to "sound the alarm" on climate change. This climate emergency is likened to a "house on fire", while urging the public to be serious, patriotic, empathetic and, of course, nonviolent. Not one sentence of the new strategy mentions the horrific impact militarism has on climate change. The New Climate Economy being pushed by groups like Extinction Rebellion merely repackage our oppression into emergency mode. This urgency becomes global so that governments, NGOs and corporations will all direct immediate funding towards unlocking trillions of capital needed to save capitalism by further funding the new green imperialism. Today's youth are used and molded into market solutions to insulate a global elite. Celebrity-sponsored activism seeks to build a new industry in which NGOs, the media and corporate powers collude to get people to support the very industries we should be erasing from the planet. The planet's most powerful capitalists lie behind these "youth-led" movements for climate change, helping to manufacture consent for the "fourth industrial revolution" in an attempt to quell resistance to industrial civilization.

  10. In terms of Weimar we also have:

    Weimar Republic Hyperinflation through a Modern Monetary Theory Lens, by Phil Armstrong and Warren Mosler

  11. Guys, and economics degree from the University of Calgary is notoriously worth nothing! Whatever you think of Greta, he speaks with no more authority -- and probably less.

    Take this on U of Calgary's School of Public Policy:

  12. After the listening to the interview posted by Foot, my impression is you have ideologues disguised as academics - an age old problem. So there is this endless intellectual "debate" where fuck-all ever gets done in favor of ordinary people/working classes.

    Never allow politicians do delegate policy decisions to experts. It's a scam.

  13. Marian, He has Science Degree…

    Not BA Econ…

    If he had BA Econ I’d agree with you…

  14. The maths degrees at Oxford University are BA.

    Presumably they are all idiots too?

    Probably time to drop the obsession with degrees. They come in whatever shape you pay them to be in.

  15. English isn't even her first language

    For a child she is unbelievable..

    I'd like to see these far right loons try and debate with her in her own language. When they can hardly speak English and that's their first language.

    I've so much to tell you but can't until it has been aired. Then I will spill the beans. It is completely shocking what has went on.

  16. It's a scam for sure Peter and put across as democracy. In short it always will be and has been a class war. History shows it was always the case.

    Here's another " classic" example Peter.

    Wirecard and the art of the Potemkin corporation

    The history of the financial Times investigating the German company Wirecard and the role Ernst and Young played when they signed off the books.

    Their thought process goes as follows..

    " as a rule, I subscribe to the incompetence theory of humanity, rather than any darker sort of interpretation. What I think happens is, when you work on a big complex audit like that, you sort of become convinced that you really understand it. So every time you sign off on one little thing, you sort of become committed to it. Yeah. It’s now a question of reputation where you signed off on it before, why aren’t you doing it now? So that’s sort of the best that I’ve got? That they found themselves in a place where they sort of rationalised what was happening around them "

    " We live in a high truth society. . I think it is a lot to do with that. I think there is a sort of idea that there’s a value in a high trust society in not checking everything. "

    Sounds like Matt right ?

    However, pick up any history book and what do you find. Ernst and Young and all the other big 4 auditors have done it time and time and time again and committed fraud.

    Any rational explanation would ask why didn't they learn from their many previous mistakes?

    It is not the incompetence theory of humanity, it was pure fraud and should be jailed for it.

    Jail them for 100 years each and they'll soon figure it out.

  17. I mean c'mon high truth society?

    High truth society is drilled into you from the age of 5 when you have watched a bunch of cartoons trying to explain right from wrong and then sent into education camps.

    After you have left the education camps if you haven't figured out it is anything but a high truth society. When you start work you soon will.

    Anybody moving to New York thinking New York is a high truth society will be lucky to get out alive. It is not the Waltons.

  18. Accounting firms have no business calling themselves auditors.

    An auditor is a person with integrity and ethical principles.
    An accountant is a privileged filing clerk.
    An accountant's employer is the party that extends this privilege.

    We are a pretentious, fraudulent society. All about appearances, not substance.

    Economics, finance, white collar crime, geopolitics, sexual politics, public health, medicine - you can see the rot if you're willing to look.

  19. “ why didn't they learn from their many previous mistakes?”

    That’s not what you are taught to do in a liberal Art education…

    They are taught eg “if the facts conflict with the theory then so much worse for the facts”

    So Earnest and Young go in there with the theory that the books are ok and then look for facts to support their theory…

    This is the Art Degree training,,, goes back to Socrates/Plato…

    Science Degree established in 1860 to combat this cancer …

  20. You debate Greta the first question is what is the atomic number of Hydrogen… debate over…,

  21. Stuff enough Benjamins into that 8 x 11 envelope, and the theory that the books are okay, wins.
