

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Russia and China haven’t even started to ratchet up the pain dial — Pepe Escobar

Closer integration advanced via the St. Petersburg forum in 2016 and the BRI forum in 2017. The overall target: to create a new order in Asia, and across Eurasia, according to international law while maintaining the individual development strategies of each concerned country and respecting their national sovereignty.

That, in essence, is what most of the Global South is buying. It’s as if there’s a cross-border instinctual understanding that Russia-China, against serious odds and facing serious challenges, proceeding by trial and error, are at the vanguard of the Shock of the New, while the collective West, naked, dazed and confused, their masses completely zombified, is sucked into the maelstrom of psychological, moral and material disintegration.

No question the pain deal will be ratcheted up, in more ways than one....


  1. The countries that are experiencing serious economic pain aren't in the west.

    Universal golden rule: the poor always suffer the most.

  2. Their pain will be used to keep them as a proxy state to serve the West.

    $ Swaps for friends only

    You know like religion, how religion works.

    3 hail Mary's or whatever their " nudging unit" calls redemption.

  3. Just imagine being born in a third world country.

    Your fate, your life is decided by a bunch of psychics, fortune tellers deciding how many stocks, bonds and commodities and cash they should have in their portfolios.

    As they rebalance the sky above you.

  4. The modern day version of the 10 commandments.

  5. The Euro popped up a little bit yesterday.

    Not because of a short rally

    Was because of these the release date was yesterday

    $ foreign reserves are the last Friday of the month.

    I want the Euro to keep going down, down and ignoring the foreign reserve balance. Foreign reserve balance of the Euro area keeps going down like yesterday and the shorts of the Euro keep ignoring the foreign reserve balance going down. Making the Euro fall further.

    Bingo it will create the set up I have been !looking for. The shorts will all be running to the exits trampling all over each other as they get 🔥

  6. Foreign Exchange Reserves In the Euro Area decreased to 80.52 USD Billion in May from 81.69 USD.

    Just keep going down a bigger down would be nice.

    Whilst the speculators and shorts ignore it.

    Then BOOM !

    Euro will rally.

  7. “ The modern day version of the 10 commandments.”

    Correct in that it was a code of specific behavior and conduct… no adjustments allowed with that either…

  8. If Foreign Exchange Reserves In the Euro Area keep decreasing.

    You gotta be buying the dips in the Euro.

    You can see em they get released by the ECB same time every month. All you need are the speculators to ignore them as they have some other reason in their head why the Euro is falling. Created a macro picture on false beliefs.

    The speculators to help set up what you are looking for.

    Licence to print money.

  9. $ zombies Matt get rid of them.

    Every country get rid of the mercantile hoarders.

    Replace with "domestic" granny bonds nobody can touch.

    Stop issuing debt that they use to hedge their risk in the asset markets.

    If they wanna try and put asset prices up without hedging their risk we'll put em in the poor house. Introduce regulations in asset markets and rein them in.

    Then move the skills and real resources out of "saving watching" into something more productive.

  10. Rewind the clock back to when all banks did was banking and there was no debt management at central banks.

    Get rid, gone, zip, nada, nupwa.

    Get rid of the Heroin out of the system.

    Over to you mercalists. The EU would last a week.

  11. China would shit the bed.

    Russia has been living under that reality for a while, hence the pivot suddenly talking about developing within its own borders and have a look at domestic demand and how they are going to deal with those Rubles that are piling up in Russians pockets.

    Fancy that developing within its own borders of what a novell idea.

  12. Problem is the crazies in loony toon cities of Washington and New York.

    See as it as a form of punishment, a way of forced control, rather than a solution.

    They see it like dog training to train them to fetch sticks. Instead of seeing it as cat herding. Force the mercalists to herd cats forever is the solution.

  13. Their fiscal rules, and debt rules, moronic treaties and all the other BS would last 48 hours. Trade would come full circle, find other uses domestically for the crap they send abroad.

    Austerity would suddenly become investment spending.

    Fancy that , what a Novell idea. Investing within your own borders.

  14. OMG!

    I think this the meaning of rachet up the pain dial.

    "Kherson counter offensive got stopped by an absolutely MASSIVE artillery barrage.I have yet to ever see a barrage on such a wide area with near simultaneous impact."

  15. “It is Nature that causes all movement. Deluded by the ego, the fool harbors the perception that says "I did it".” ― Veda Vyasa, The Bhagavadgita or The Song Divine

  16. “ Rewind the clock back to when all banks did was banking and there was no debt management at central banks.”

    That’s what the crypto people are trying to do…,
