

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Greatest scene in motion picture history


This might be it:

Stallone greatly underrated..


  1. Excellent, I love Stallone.

    Staying in a sporting vein, how about the last 2 1/2 minutes of the race in the Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner? (The whole race is good, but I especially like the ending.)

  2. Just remember motion pictures are figurative activity…

  3. All great stories are stories of love and / or courage (which are basically the same thing).

    “Rocky” (1976) was an example.

    “Rocky” was mostly filmed in Philadelphia, which was a nice city until the early 1950s, at which point industrial restructuring and “white flight” caused the city to start dying.

    Since 1952, all Philadelphia mayors have been Democrats. Today it’s a dead wasteland.

  4. In real life, abused men are told to 'man up'.

    No movie or 15 minutes for you...

  5. Rocky just needed to purge ten years of anger and frustration. If you do that scene right, it is always great theater. I became hooked on Game of Thrones, and two of the best scenes involved two different main characters venting their spleens over suffering thru years and or a lifetime of abuse and unjust libel
