

Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Greatest National Security Threat No One Is Talking About | Opinion — Bill Owens, David M. Walker, and Barry W. Poulson

You guessed it. MMT.

Oh, well. It's Newsweek.

The Greatest National Security Threat No One Is Talking About | Opinion
Bill Owens, retired admiral and former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, David M. Walker, former comptroller general of the United States. Along with Barry W. Poulson, they are founders of the Federal Fiscal Sustainability Foundation.


  1. Monetarist morons… they think “money is real!”…

  2. The MMT we need to be worried about is the Monetarist Mortgage Tax

    which is applied by an unelected body of people raising interest rates.

    Less National Security Threat, more Domestic Destruction Threat.

  3. David Walker is a straight up quack.

  4. Check out the posts I put up here some years ago on David Walker. Blast from the past.
    David Walker

  5. Former beancounter-in-chief of the US….

    Guaranteed that he doesn’t even know what Basis of Accounting the Federal government uses much less how to interpret it….

  6. Walker et. al. are merely more proof that economic knowledge only advances one funeral at a time.

  7. “The ration of sin is death”…. it survives by these deaths…

    It’s true for any academic discipline that is primarily taught via the dialogic method…

    The person has to literally die before any of their stuff is eventually synthesized with any other previously opposing thesis…

    Really dark stuff…
