

Saturday, October 22, 2022

The US Government Sees Silicon Valley As Part Of Its Propaganda Machine — Caitlin Johnstone

Is the US government about to nix Elon Musk's Twitter purchase on national security grounds. That this is even being discussed is representative of the level of control the government, in this case, the executive branch acing unilaterally, can exert over the economy at a foundational level for political reasons. It also brings up legal questions about freedom of expression since the US is not technically at war with anyone, although in a sense it is at war economically with just about everyone.

Interesting article. Caitlin Johnstone is Australian living in Melbourne.
The US Government Sees Silicon Valley As Part Of Its Propaganda Machine
Caitlin Johnstone


  1. Musk is not “woke” enough.
    He does not hate white people.
    He does not push LGBTQ filth.
    He does not represent "who we are."

    Moreover free speech is a threat to “national security.”

  2. Musk has had second thoughts about buying Twitter, so he won't be complaining if they nix this deal.

  3. Konrad,

    When it’s the Democrats doing it Tom says “it’s the US!”

    If it’s the GOP doing it Tom says “it’s the gop!”….
