

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Five Reasons Why G7's Price Cap on Russia's Oil is Doomed — Ekaterina Blinova

Basically, the G7 lacks the power. The article explains the how and why.

Not to mention that such a move undermines the "rules-based order" policy of free markets and free trade, further showing who actually makes the rules unilaterally.

Frankly, it looks like desperation.

Sputnik International (Russian state-sponsored media)
Five Reasons Why G7's Price Cap on Russia's Oil is Doomed
Ekaterina Blinova


  1. Try price-capping your domestic oil industry. Learn to crawl before you deign to walk.

  2. The purpose of price capping is to redirect fossil fuel demand to US production at a higher price.

  3. "Not to mention that such a move undermines the "rules-based order" policy of free markets and free trade..."

    The G-7 (i.e. U.S.) doesn't give a shit about this. It's about dominance and control.
