

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Student Thought and Classroom Language:Examining the Mechanisms of Change in Dialogic Teaching


Paper here mentions how the required dogmatism in the Platonist dialogic methodology can prevent education…

Multiplist and absolutist epistemologies are incompatiblewith dialogic teaching. In the words of Bakhtin (1984), “bothrelativism and dogmatism equally exclude all argumentation,all authentic dialogue, by making it either unnecessary ...orimpossible (p. 69). Despite their differences, both multiplistsand absolutists rely on fundamentally monologic assump-tions about knowledge: They either discount a possibility ofshared understanding or insist on an absolute truth (Sidorkin,1999).

The thing is with the Platonist Art Degreed Monetarists, they are NOT attempting education… they are imposing policy… they already have been educated…

So these authors caution the reader against the use of dogmatism in education… ok maybe you could see that…  but in policy advocacy nobody is trying to educate anyone… 

Imposing policy is NOT EDUCATION… (btw MMT academics would do well to continuously remind themselves of this) … so Platonist Art Degree dogmatism becomes again preferred…

So it’s really out of place for MMT academic people to whine and complain that “you haven’t read the MMT literature!” like they do all the time… I would remind them that these people are NOT in your f-ing classrooms… They are advocating for policies…


  1. A little recommended reading about Milton Friedman: Not So Free to Choose, written by one of Friedman's own students, Elton Rayak.

    It turns out Friedman lied, deceived and misdirected as a rule. Virtually nothing he advocated turned out to useful or true. The scope of the deceptions is truly amazing.

  2. Well he advocated for the current IOR policy which Bernanke implemented… Bernanke was under Friedman at Stanford…,

    So that is acting as a counter stabilizing function (increases Depository regulatory capital balance) to the rate increases (reduces Depository regulatory capital balance)… so we’re getting some stabilization and perhaps significant increase in Depository capital balance now ..

    Things starting to improve…
