

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Zero Hedge — India Overtakes China As World's Most Populous Nation

Mixed blessing, especially with the level of disorganization and divisiveness in India. 

Demographics leads to opportunities and challenges and population increase can increase growth but it can also present emergent challenges that are difficult to meet without high-level organization, which India has not demonstrated so far.

In contrast, China recognized its demographic challenges decades ago, which was the purpose of the one-child policy. Now China growth has stabilized and even begun to shrink. While this is positive overall, it also presents challenges such as an aging population for a while. But China's major issue at the time of the institution of the policy was not being able to feed its growing population. That spelt political trouble down the line so the government acted to preempt it. China also instituted a development program that has paid off.

Zero Hedge
India Overtakes China As World's Most Populous Nation
Tyler Durden

1 comment:

  1. You want us to believe China will accept a shrinking population?

    The entire system is predicated on endless growth.
