

Friday, February 17, 2023



2% cumulative over last 8 months … who cares… ofc Art degree monetarist zombies freaking out over their figure of speech “inflation!”… losers…


  1. So it begins.........

    I spent two years setting up MMT Scotland, Using my own money to bring MMT economists to Glasgow and Edinburgh.

    During that time I got to know the Scottish establishment very well and met with many people who formed a bridge between the independence movement and the SNP. Was in within an inch of getting Warren Mosler to meet with Brown the Deputy leader of the SNP. This meeting was hijacked by the Common Weal who wanted their man ( EU uber alles) to be their MMT guy. They wanted Cameron Archibald and Richard Murphy to be the contact not Warren.

    I walked away in disgust and saw right through the typical liberal shite of Brussels worshipping that was clearly still to come after the Brexit vote. That was clearly going to sit at a 180 against what true independence really means. Even more so in a MMT sense.

    Dirk Ehnts and Richard Murphy are the MMT poster child's of that position today. A position so absurd and becoming an even more so incredible naive position the longer the war in Ukraine drags on. As the facade of democracy crashes all around them. Paper thin as it was and has been for decades.

    Not long after my BBC interview. I quit, as I was clearly being made out to be the bad guy by the whiff of liberalism that blew through the independence movement like a stale fart. As a I left I made some bold predictions of what was going to happen and the liberals thought I was bonkers.

    The main one was that the SNP was going to ride rough shod over the democratic process and the Indy movement as a whole.Also,Matt's favourite that the SNP were quickly going to turn into neoliberal globalists and asset strip the country and sell everything to the corporate sector EU uber alles style. In addition - That to achieve their dream of being a Brussels slave they would have to increase taxes, slash government spending to meet the EU fiscal and debt rules. That the Scottish growth Comission was a copy and paste job of an EU convergence program and if ever they won independence they would adopt the Euro.

    Finally, I said if not stopped they would turn Scotland Tory. The only prediction that has not happened YET. The Tories have increased their votes every election since I made that claim. However, just like every country run by Brussels the rural areas and pensioners would be the first to move. Followed by a populist swell behind them. With the Tories standing their with their arms open, ready to accept the disenfranchised and dispossessed within their political spectrum. Being able to say after the Brexit vote, I told you so.

    2 articles below are the best summary of the farce taking place in Scotland. The first by the Common Weal - Oh the irony of it all and deserve everything that is taking place. I did read it with a smile on my face and tempted to say I told you so.

    Stop Murrell’s corruption NOW

    The second is by Conter. The true left in Scotland who were sidelined for the last 15 years by the "all under one banner" independence movement. A movement that was designed to neuter any dissenting voices against neoliberal globalism.

    Downfall: How Class Contradictions Ended Sturgeon’s Dismal Rule

    If the gender recognition Bill still goes through. Then Scotland will turn Tory. That's if the HUGE levels of immigration being dumped in Scotland from the boats in the English Channel does not turn it blue first.

  2. Another prediction.

    I'm clearly a minority now on any public transport system within Glasgow.By about a 3/1 ratio. The cheapest way to travel.

    We bombed the hell out of them, slaughtered them, killed their families and they are now here in the hundreds of thousands.

    Within the next 5-10 years there will be a major terrorist attack on Scottish/ British shores. The slaughtered just need time to get settled and organised before it happens. As soon as they arrive off the boats they are moved North away from the Tory voting South of England.

    The main reason why the " red wall " crumbled in the North of England. The Labour heartlands for decades.You get cancelled or called a racist for simply pointing it out. By the " EU uber alles brigade" whose project is to destroy the nation state and turn it into a block to fight both Russia and China under US control.

    It will happen as soon as they realise it isn't a country of milk and honey.They are here as low paid, unsociable hours workers or as the long term unemployed to prop up the one interest rate to rule them all. With a new life of no prospects that will very quickly Be replaced by a longing for revenge. Cheered on and nudged by the radicals who only had revenge on their minds in the first place even before they got here. Who can blame them or judge them from our position as executioner, that caused the slaughter in the first place.

  3. Trump went off on Sturgeon this week:

    “ Good riddance to failed woke extremist Nicola Sturgeon of Scotland! This crazed leftist symbolizes everything wrong with identity politics. Sturgeon thought it was OK to put a biological man in a women’s prison, and if that wasn’t bad enough, Sturgeon fought for a “Gender Recognition Reform Bill” that would have allowed 16-year-old children to change their gender without medical advice…”

  4. “ We bombed the hell out of them, slaughtered them, killed their families and they are now here in the hundreds of thousands.”

    Maybe not enough of them…precision strike has eliminated all the death in warfare…

    Now you have the surviving losers trying to emigrate to the nation of the winners,,,

    Without precision strike those people perhaps would have been killed…

  5. The Greens are needed to get any budget passed through the Scottish parliament. The parliament was specifically designed not to get an outright majority. Not first passed the post but proportional representation. Akin to using the £ as just another way to depoliticise a nation and ride rough shod over a paper thin democracy.

    The EU uber alles way to make every parliament a PR one. So that they struggle to fight back against EU dictats from above. Why of course the liberals want PR introduced in the UK park and now see that as a priority after the Brexit vote. So that it will never be able threaten Brussels again.

    Anyway, the Greens performed U turn after U turn within its manifesto and turned a blind eye as the SNP sold off the family silver to the lowest bidder. The Corperations entrenched their power within the National investment bank and the Scottish parliament. Turned a blind eye to the Scottish growth Comission. Whilst shouting EU uber alles, EU uber alles.

    The deal that had been struck via PR that explained the Greens behaviour was to allow the SNP to sell the country down the river as long as they got their flagship policy pushed through - The gender recognition Bill.

    The rest is now part of Scottish history. Get your popcorn out it is going to be a car crash moving forward from here. As the neoliberal globalists will make hay as those opposing them struggle to identify the very clear difference between an arsehole and an elbow.

  6. EU is very gender oriented so maybe that’s why the Scotland lefties want to associate with them…

  7. Scotland lefties don't hence what you are seeing now.What is playing out in full view.

    It's the liberals who are centre right by any definition of the word that have infested left wing institutions and pushed the left out by cancelling them or calling them racists or antisemitic.

    Americans always get mixed up between the two. The squad, the So called radical left called so by the Trump family lol. Are as centre right as they come.

    To listen to libertarians moan and moan and moan and moan about the state of the country. You would think the Marxists had won every election since the mid 70's. When the clear truth is the Marxists haven't won an election for decades.

    It's the liberals ( centre right) and Conservatives ( far right ) economic and foreign policies that have caused such a mess. Implemented over a 50 year period of insanity.

    The libertarians need to take a long hard look in the mirror and look at their own voting patterns. Who they have voted in for the last 50 years. Instead of always trying to deflect the blame onto somebody else. The right wing spectrum is clearly a problem and caused all these issues. Libertarians clearly suffer from a mental illness of some kind to keep voting for it but expecting different outcomes.

    Blaming Marxists for the state of the World is psychotic behaviour par excellence. An easy way to deflect from their own psychotic behaviour. Like committing adultery but blaming your adoring wife.

    Libertarians in a nut shell:

  8. Could you swap Ireland for Scotland and tell the same story?

    Why aren't Ukrainians being welcomed with open arms? They're white!

  9. Russian blogs suffer from the exact same psychosis as the libertarians do.

    Go to any Russian blog from the Saker to moon over Alabama and you find the exact same mental illness. Zero hedge is also rife with it.

    99.9% of the posters will explain how the IMF, EU , NATO, American rules based order and the world bank operates on the geopolitical map. They rage against it in every post in the comment sections.

    Yet, the majority of the 99.9% will then stand up and Q to vote in their own general elections. Vote for the exact same economic policies they have raged against for years that they see being done abroad. Yet, vote for them at home in their own country.

    Why ? How do you explain that behaviour. They are clearly suffering from a mental illness.

    An ideology detached from the world around them. Voting for a right wing spectrum ideology ( liberal centre right ) ( conservative far right ) manifesto. That they scream against abroad but vote for at home.

    Which shows the stupidity of human behaviour and what MMT has been up against since day 1. They blame Marxism lol that have had zero power for over 50 years.

    Just like the libertarians and alcoholics and drug users they blame everybody apart from themselves for their own destructive actions. As if somebody put a gun to their head as they entered the voting booth. Keep voting for the right wing spectrum and expect a different world.

    It is quite extraordinary behaviour a psychosis that will be studied by psychologists for hundreds of years to come.

  10. People define themselves through their decisions. It is the process of making decisions that enables us to find out who we really are. To deprive someone of the full agency to make those decisions entirely on their own without influence is to deprive them of their right to become who they are. Therefore if you offer advice to your friends or family you are acting immorally by removing their agency.

    Slaves have no agency. In that sense, their agency was removed.
    The correct descriptor for offering advice is challenge. By being challenged, you have a chance to exercise your agency. Someone who is never challenged doesn't possess agency in any practical sense.

  11. Could you swap Ireland for Scotland and tell the same story?

    The end game will be the same. EU uber alles !

    For the very first time, Known faces are now coming out in Ireland and publicly saying joining the EU was a mistake. Due to human psychotic behaviour Scotland will have to go through the very same agonising behaviour and process before eventually they will come to the exact same conclusion.

    Instead of recognising the danger now and acting upon it. Thrashing oneself with a cat of nine tails for many years seems to be the norm nowadays. Rather than listening to others that have already walked that path they want to embark on.

    The Irish EU uber alles brigade have infested Scottish public and civic life. When they had to leave jobless Ireland caused by EU fiscal and debt rules. They still can't connect the dots. They prefer to connect the dots the hard way and live again through the exact same process.

    It's insanity on a whole new different level.

  12. The right is more technically competent and delivers better material results…

    So people tend to vote for them when it is going badly economically …

    Left not as materialistic and more concerned with social policies…

    GOP here pushing the “stagflation!” schtick (and successfully) and Dems falling for it and doubling down on monetarist policy…

    GOP goading Dems to do a “full Volcker” and wreck the real economy …

    Then voters throw Dems out and Trump will come in and tell the Fed to cut the rates and push thru a big tax cut..

  13. "The right is more technically competent and delivers better material results…

    So people tend to vote for them when it is going badly economically"

    Because they suffer from the psychosis I'm describing - Why does it always go bad economically ?

    Let's look at the evidence - centre right and far right policies enacted over a 50 year period. What has been the outcomes of right wing spectrum liberal and conservative economic and foreign policies ?

    Slash government spending and cut taxes for the rich is a summary for the last 50 years. Our generation meme on a billboard, What has been the real outcomes ?

    Well take a walk through your inner cities and ghettos. That's the outcomes. Travel through rural areas and take a big whiff of the 50 year decay and try a few opiods that's your real outcomes.

    Get out your car in a ghetto were they sleep on the pavement in tents. With a Trump sign and tell them all they need is another tax cut for the rich and all their problems will be solved. Tell them the 30 or so tax cuts since 1970 didn't work but this time it will be different. Write your experience on a postcard and let us know how you get on.

    That fact you think just pushing through a big tax cut and Trump is going to save you. Proves my point about your ideology. It is quite clearly some kind of psychosis instilled in your blood in education camps as a child. Or by the propaganda running through the newspapers left on your kitchen table by your parents. Completely detached from reality and real outcomes of your neighbours living around you and in your town or city.

    So very, very easy to turn a myth into a universal truth. So that you walk like capital, talk like capital, smell like capital but you are really blue collar labour. Always have been. That has been the establishments biggest con trick of them all. To completely convince you are something else from who you really are.

  14. The only thing Trump and Trump junior ( a psycho if ever I saw one ) and that religious fantastic Bannon is offering is Laffer curve economics.

    That's it.

    Nothing new, nothing fresh or even interesting. A complete dismal failure the first time it was tried. But because they have convinced blue collar workers ( labour) to walk like capital, talk like capital and smell like capital. They think it is the returning messiah.

    Look at Psychosis in the dictionary it's all there.

  15. Why hasn't moving along the right wing spectrum worked for the last 50 years. Produced the expected outcomes for ALL that they keep promising us ?

    Because those with a mental illness tell us all we haven't moved far enough to the right. We need to keep moving further and further right before it will really work lol.

    Basket cases- that want a return to the Wild West. With one big private landowner in charge who owns all the guns, the railroad, the land, the town and the Sherrifs office and the Church. Every Sunday after the corporate mass that explains to the flock they are happy to be slaves. Likes to walk through town dressed like Franco or Mussolini.

  16. How many blue collar labourers read this blog?

  17. “Well take a walk through your inner cities and ghettos. That's the outcomes.”

    I do every day…

    That’s a social outcome not an economic outcome… mostly substance abuse, and lack of law enforcement/incarceration by incompetent and corrupt Democrat local governments..

    If you go outside those areas into GOP controlled areas in suburbs and agricultural areas the US is like a utopia..

    Your Scotland left people value LGBT policies over economic outcomes…

    You are thinking about the old left … the new left values ESG policies over economic policies…

  18. MAGA economics is Laffer but with balanced trade…

    This is new…
