

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

RBA appeal to NAIRU authority is a fraud — Bill Mitchell

The mainstream press is now seeing through the Reserve Bank of Australia’s behaviour, which I take as a sign of progress. For example, there was an article on the ABC News Site yesterday – Reserve Bank accused of ‘economic gaslighting’ as wages growth misses forecasts, again. I noted yesterday that the latest evidence contradicts the RBA’s claims that wages are growing too fast and provide it with a rationale for further interest rate increases, despite the inflation rate falling over the last several months, and real wages declining by more than has ever been recorded. Last week, the RBA Governor and his staff appeared before a parliamentary committee to justify thee rate hikes. We learn a lot from the session – none of it good. The basic conclusion is that the RBA thinks they can hoodwink our politicians into believing that their is a ‘technical authority’ based in statistics for their actions, when in fact, no such authority exists.
William Mitchell — Modern Monetary Theory
RBA appeal to NAIRU authority is a fraud
Bill Mitchell | Professor in Economics and Director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE), at University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia


  1. Politicians have to be seen as doing something to counter” inflation”…

    In US last election year the number 1 economic concern was “inflation”…

    “Inflation “ was seen as more concerning than unemployment…

    It’s changing now:

    Now number 2 behind recovery…

    Meanwhile Biden people clueless as usual and doubling down on “inflation” via their Fed psychos…

    Trump will eventually add mandatory interest rate reduction to his campaign platform but not until Dems via Fed psychos have done a lot more damage and when it will be too late for Dems to adjust the policy before election…

    Lock it…

  2. All GOP has to do is this stuff:

    “ Eggs used to be a cheap protein. Now they’re practically a delicacy.

    We’ve got to pump the breaks on the overspending in Washington in order to get inflation under control.”

    And dumb Dems buy into it hook line and sinker… get their Fed psychos to raise rates even more…

    Meanwhile nat gas just went under $2…and there is avian virus …

    Doesn’t matter … GOP will just point to whatever price is up for whatever real cause and scream the figure of speech “inflation!” and dumb Dems will whip their Fed psychos to increase the rates again.,,

    Housing market collapsing.., automobile payments unaffordable … credit card rates out the ass…

    Then some time in 2024 with only a few months left Trump will call for drastic immediate rate cuts if he is elected… will resonate with voters..,

    Lock it…
