

Monday, March 20, 2023

The State of Democracy in the United States: 202 — Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

I. Preamble

In 2022, the vicious cycle of democratic pretensions, dysfunctional politics and a divided society continued in the United States. Problems such as money politics, identity politics, social rifts, and the gulf between the rich and poor worsened. The maladies afflicting American democracy deeply infected the cells of US politics and society, and further revealed US governance failure and institutional defects.

Despite mounting problems at home, the US continued to behave with a sense of superiority, point fingers at others, usurp the role of a “lecturer of democracy”, and concoct and play up the false narrative of “democracy versus authoritarianism”. To serve the interests of none other than itself, the US acted to split the world into two camps of what it defined as “democracies and non-democracies”, and organized another edition of the so-called “Summit for Democracy” to check how various countries had performed on meeting US standards for democracy and to issue new orders. Be it high-sounding rhetoric or maneuvers driven by hidden agenda, none can hide the real designs of the US — to maintain its hegemony by playing bloc politics and using democracy as a tool for political ends.  

This report collects a multitude of facts, media comments and expert opinions to present a complete and real picture of American democracy over the year. What they reveal is an American democracy in chaos at home and a trail of havoc and disasters left behind as the US peddled and imposed its democracy around the globe. It helps remove the facade of American democracy for more people worldwide....
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
The State of Democracy in the United States: 2022


  1. At the very beginning I always wondered if the US has overplayed their hand in Ukraine. It definitely looked like it all things considered.

    That because of the geopolitical lag when big global events like these happen..Countries views publicly are not what they seem privately as they are so terrified of the psychos in Washington. Many wait to see the final lay of the land.

    When all is said and done the US have probably overplayed the hand what they had in a big way. Regret it for years to come.

  2. Yep.

    Brzezinski’s Grand Chessboard Vision of Russia-China Pact Becomes Reality as Biden Antagonizes Both

    The invasion of Iraq on false pretenses was a strategic blunder of monumental proportions, but nothing in comparison to this.

  3. Also, the invasion of Iraq was not the military success it was later sold as.

    The Iraq War Was A Sham

    The most obvious thousand-ton elephant in the room must first be swiftly gotten out of the way:

    There was no actual ‘war’.

    You’ve read that right. The active conflict invasion stage of the ‘war’, dubbed Operation Iraqi Freedom, was infact a giant canard, a holographic Military-Industrial-Media-Complex projection—an abject Hollywood illusory fraud. In the parlance of the soldiers themselves who took part in it, it was called a ‘thunder run to Baghdad’—and for good reason.

    What was once oft-discussed in those days, but is now conveniently buried in the memory-holes of American alt-history is the fact that almost every Iraqi general was paid off by the CIA and various US intelligence services to lay down their arms, along with the men under their command, and surrender.

    At the time of the invasion in March 2003, many newspapers were rife with reports about this. Here’s an excerpt from UK’s ‘Independent’:

  4. Chris Hedges, The Lord of Chaos

    Pepe Escobar nailed it in The Empire of Chaos.

    The essential features of the empire of chaos, “where a plutocracy progressively projects its own internal disintegration upon the whole world,” are “a progressive drift towards not conventional war but above all economic war—manifestations of Liquid War.” The purpose of that chaos is “to prevent an economic integration of Eurasia that would leave the U.S. a non-hegemon, or worse still, an outsider.”

  5. OH, and did I mention Vietnam and the Gulf of Tonkin false flag that was used to justify escalation. This was out of the same playbook.

    See also

    Ray McGovern's Truman’s True Warning on the CIA (published December 22, 2013)

    Truman began his article by underscoring “the original reason why I thought it necessary to organize this Agency … and what I expected it to do.” It would be “charged with the collection of all intelligence reports from every available source, and to have those reports reach me as President without Department ‘treatment’ or interpretations.”

    Truman then moved quickly to one of the main things bothering him. He wrote “the most important thing was to guard against the chance of intelligence being used to influence or to lead the President into unwise decisions.”...

    While Truman saw CIA’s attempted mousetrapping of President Kennedy as a particular outrage, his more general complaint is seen in his broader lament that the CIA had become “so removed from its intended role … I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations. … It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the government.” Not only shaping policy through its control of intelligence, but also “cloak and dagger” operations, presumably including assassinations.

    Truman concluded the op-ed with an admonition that was as clear as the syntax was clumsy: “I would like to see the CIA restored to its original assignment as the intelligence arm of the President, and that whatever else it can properly perform in that special field and that its operational duties be terminated or properly used elsewhere.” The importance and prescient nature of that admonition are even clearer today, a half-century later.

  6. Zelenskyy...

    a) goes to China to strike a deal to rebuild Ukraine.

    b) retires to his mansion in Miami.

    c) gets a bullet to the head.

    d) add your prediction

  7. The US massively overplayed it's hand in Ukraine, no question about it.

    It is indeed a twenty-some year long string of miss-steps.

    Militarily the entire west is outgunned by Russia (nevermind adding China to the mix) and diplomatically it's being outplayed by China and Russia (the new Yalta conference is going on right now,). The US is simply not able to impose its will on others the way it used to be able to. Strategically, pushing China and Russia together is about the dumbest thing imaginable.

    Will the neocons ever get tossed out? They couldn't have damaged the US more if they were trying to do just that.

    "Kwiatkowski predicts that both China and Russia’s leadership may eventually come to see Washington the way Washington looks at North Korea – a nuclear-armed power with a hostile government that is more of an annoyance than a threat. “Perhaps we are becoming a new North Korea, to be contained and humored but not really feared,” the observer summed up."

    How delightfully humiliating. But I don't think we'll be that irrelevant. We're just too big of a country with too many resources to ever be as insignificant as North Korea, we'll always be a hemispheric power. But our importance is without a doubt diminishing

  8. Our importance as an electorate has long since vanished.

  9. lol … Xi just told Putin to end it already…


    “ In a major diplomatic intervention, Chinese President Xi Jinping has asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to negotiate with Ukraine — with Beijing offering no clear endorsement of the ongoing war.”

    But you guys keep dreaming….

  11. Negotiate the partition of Ukraine... this is being done on the battlefield.

  12. What makes this so difficult is that it is not actually about Ukraine. Same with Taiwan. Putting attention on them is the wrong focus. It's not what the conflict is about.

  13. You are looking at the wrong sites Matt.

    Live a little.

  14. The question is why Xi went to Russia personally to meet with Putin in private? Odds are he went to get something that he doesn't want to get out. (Same with Scholz's recent trip to see Biden personally.)

    Andrei Martyanov ventures a guess. Read to the end.

    China's Naval Problem

  15. "In a major diplomatic intervention, Chinese President Xi Jinping has asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to negotiate with Ukraine"

    Calling for negotiations is a "major diplomatic intervention"? lol. The Russians have long been willing to negotiate, it's the US and Ukrainians that say no, with the US going so far as to say any Chinese led efforts for peace would be "unacceptable."

    “China supports Russia and Ukraine in resolving the issue through negotiation.” is hardly a rebuke.

    China comes out looking good, calling for negotiations, wanting to end the fighting and makes the US look like the warmonger it is.

  16. China can rebuild Ukraine. It's up to Zelenskyy to go rogue on his Washington handlers.

  17. The Russians and Chinese signed no less than 14 statements, agreements and memoranda of understanding. Who knows what was talked about and agreed privately.

    Russia also held a conference African nations about a multipolar world. The west outgunned in Ukraine, China brokering agreements in the middle east, Assad meeting with the UAE, Saudi Arabia opening a consulate in Syria, Francafrique severely weakened (seeing Macron receive a talking to was hilarious), times are a changing.

  18. Tom brings many good points. No one gives a shit about Ukraine specifically, the US will happily send every last Ukrainian to their death if it thinks it will benefit the US. Ukraine just happens to be a tool used by the US to try to damage(unsuccessfully) Russia.

    Russia has natural resources that the Chinese need. Russia has military technology that the Chinese could use. The Chinese have massive manufacturing capability the Chinese know the US is coming for them. If Nuland wasn't a psychopath, she'd have problems sleeping at night because of this.

    Russia's biggest problem is probably demographics, they're 1/10 the size of China and have been on a 30 year slow decline. China is just peaking, although they're probably too big, keeping that many people together is extremely difficult to say the least. But they're authoritarian, maybe they can force it. The US is a mess with 1/3 the population of China and Europe is like the US squared as far as problems.

    There's a rocky history between China and Russia and it's indeed a somewhat uneasy friendship of convenience. But they're also playing a delicate diplomatic game with the rest of the world. It's extremely interesting times, we're in a new era.

  19. Washington has achieved its victory: prying Europe away from Russia.
    This is all they can achieve, and over the long term Europe may come to its senses.
    Ukraine only matters to Lindsey Graham, because he sees Ukrainians who have yet to be killed.
