

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Wall Street Journal-NORC poll — Sliding Confidence: Majority Of Americans Question The Value Of College

A new Wall Street Journal-NORC poll reveals that a majority of Americans believe a college degree isn't worth the cost and time. Sliding confidence in the higher education system indicates that the American Dream can be achieved without a college degree.

If this represents a developing trend, it potentially presages cultural and institutional realignment. 

Zero Hedge
Sliding Confidence: Majority Of Americans Question The Value Of College
Tyler Durden


  1. Maybe I'm an old-school hippy liberal that believes in college for personal development, being challenged with new ideas, etc., but that doesn't seem to be what college is about anymore. They're putting young people in a lifetime of unforgivable debt to receive a subpar education of indoctrination. With the way the costs have risen, it's very scammy.

    Waayy back in the day, you used to be able to go to college, have a part time job and not have a lifetime of debt. That's gone.

    It's gonna be a long time before AI gets rid of electricians, plumbers, carpenters etc. Trade school is much cheaper too (it'll be impressive to see a robot running conduit and pulling wires). Financially, I bet they do better than probably half of degree holders. Of course, everyone can't do those jobs... Unless you got it in you to be a doctor or a lawyer (which may end up just being a data entry job with the ai giving you a result), college is a risky investment anymore. Certainly don't rack up debt for a worthless humanities degree.

    Definitely advise against becoming a teacher lol

  2. The most common jobs held by males and females do not require education beyond high school.
