

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Escobar: Eurasian Heartland Rises To Challenge The West — Pepe Escobar

As a result of BRI, the New Silk Road, CSTO, SCO, the explosive growth in the coming years is likely to come from the developing world, not only Africa and Latin America but also the countries of Central Asia lying between and linking Russia and on to Europe and China as a gateway to Asia.

Central Asia is part and parcel of the Western foreign policy position regarding Russia and China. It is about who is going to control the Heartland and dominate the World Island (Halford Mackinder, Nicholas Spykman and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

BRICS+ is also bringing Africa and Latin America into the mix, also threatening Western hegemony.

Decolonization is in the air.

There is not much new in this but it is a reminder of current events picking up speed, bringing about both promise and turmoil.


  1. Triumphalism is in the air. "The End of History - Part Deux" by Pepe Escobar.

    It doesn't take a crystal ball to foresee this narrative biting the dust.

    Last I read, Francis Fukuyama is cosying up to wokeism.


  2. Somewhere in Hell, Karl Haushofer sneers...
