

Saturday, August 12, 2023

China, the fascinating flight of the Dragon — Outras Palavras

 Longish and unabashedly pro-China, but informative. What stands out is the role of public investment.

China, the fascinating flight of the Dragon
Outras Palavras

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  1. From the article: “China does not intend to get rid of foreign capital or private companies. The state continues to attract and stimulate them. But the main features of the development process are different now. The first is massive public investment focused on the well-being of the majority.

    In other words China’s central bank and central government work for China.

    By contrast, Western governments and central banks work only for the rich and the financiers and the creditor oligarchs.

    Average Americans praise these rich parasites, while calling China “evil.” That’s how programmed Americans are. It’s why most Americans remain peasants. They are slaves who worship their rich owners. They cheer when the rentier class says that China is “evil” and is a “threat” to the rentier class’s privileges.

    From the article: “China advances primarily because it defies the dogmas that underpin the neoliberal ideological structure.”

    One clown who posts items in this blog claims that neoliberalism is a “conspiracy theory.”

    From the article: “Learning from China would mean, for the rentier class that now governs Western capitalism, giving up their privileges. Therefore they make efforts to preent China from being examined. They portray China as an authoritarian dictatorship where the population works without rights, doesn´t enjoy basic freedoms, and is forced to swallow orders imposed from above.”

    For the rentier class there can be no alternative to their privileges and their predations. If you question their evil, you are a “Chinese agent” and a “Marxist.” If you want a government that works for all citizens, not just the rich, you are a “Nazi.” Half of the peasants call you a “left wing extremist,” and the other half call you “right wing extremist."

    This is how average Americans defend their slavery.

  2. Konrad, you are naive.
    Move to China, experience their culture, and compare worker rights.
    Then you can write about China authoritatively.

  3. Average Americans praise these rich parasites, while calling China “evil.”

    I doubt you have ever met an average American in your life.

  4. lol average Americans don’t give a shit about any of this.,,

  5. “ neoliberalism is a “conspiracy theory.”

    It is…

    Previous US National security policy of economic engagement with China in an attempt to liberalize China is NOT a conspiracy theory it is in the public record.. this policy is being reversed or at least significantly modified… which is ALSO in the public record.

    You think there is a secret cabal of some secret people called “the neoliberals!” that are clandestinely meeting and scheming to impose their secret “neoliberal!” policies on the rest of the world or something .., it’s absurd,,,

    Alex Jones infotainment type stuff….

  6. Peter Pan you once again prove that you are a petulant little child.

    (At least you chose the appropriate name.)

    I have visited China three times, each time for about two months. I traveled around while there, and I got taste of the society and lifestyle. There were things I liked about it, and things I didn’t care for, but the fact is that China is rising and the USA is dying.

    All your whining and moaning won’t change this.

    Incidentally I lived in Mexico for two years, and India for three years. I have also been to Europe, Singapore, and Vietnam. I doubt you have ever been outside your own nation’s borders. Your own little crib.


    “ The CHIPS and Science Act is a U.S. federal statute enacted by the 117th United States Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden on August 9, 2022. The act provides roughly $280 billion in new funding to boost domestic research and manufacturing of semiconductors in the United States.[1] The act includes $39 billion in subsidies for chip manufacturing on US soil along with 25% investment tax credits for costs of manufacturing equipment, and $13 billion for semiconductor research and workforce training, with the primary aim of countering China.”

    “ it is generally associated with policies of economic liberalization, including privatization, deregulation, globalization, free trade”

    How is record amounts of govt subsidy to promote increased domestic industries “deregulation and globalization “?



    “ The former president’s trade policy would "completely eliminate" the United States’ dependence on China by eliminating China’s most favored nation trade status, adopt a four-year plan to phase out all Chinese imports of essential goods, and ban federal contracts for any company that outsources to China.”

    Leading GOP presidential candidate…

    How is this “globalization” or “free trade”?


  9. I have visited China three times, each time for about two months. I traveled around while there, and I got taste of the society and lifestyle. There were things I liked about it, and things I didn’t care for, but the fact is that China is rising and the USA is dying.

    Translation: I went to China as a tourist and decided not to become a citizen.
    Translation: I read sources that inform me China is rising and the USA is dying.

    Incidentally I lived in Mexico for two years, and India for three years. I have also been to Europe, Singapore, and Vietnam. I doubt you have ever been outside your own nation’s borders. Your own little crib.

    Translation: I was a foreign worker ~ I'm someone who doesn't have to work for a living.

    I've been overseas to Europe to visit relatives. That was at the insistence of my father, whose roots are from there. I have no illusions that I would fit in with European culture. The only person I was able to communicate with, was an Austrian woman who spoke french. She lived at the apartment complex where my grandparents were living. An elderly Austrian woman and a 14 year old from Quebec, Canada had a conversation about lifestyles and culture. She did her best to persuade me, but no way in hell would I have chosen to live in Europe, rather than Canada.

    My father was an immigrant who experienced two different cultures. He wanted to go to the US, but had to settle for Canada. If you want to know what happens to a person who regrets their decision to immigrate, but gets tied down because they have a family to feed, I can fill you in. I had a front row seat.

    To my knowledge, Godfree Roberts has settled in China and is happy there. It doesn't make his support for the Chinese government more accurate.

  10. @ Peter Pan (aka "the child that refused to grow up.")

    U.S. foreign policy is dictated by neocons, especially the Kagan clan (Robert Kagan, Fred Kagan, Victoria Nuland, Bill Kristol, Anthony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, etc.)

    All these are members of the same tribe, and all of them are intermarried. Literally. They occupy the core of the Washington DC swamp.

    Indeed the USA’s foreign policy can be called Kaganism. The wars on Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, China, and Russia are all aspects of Kaganism.

    China-bashers are mindless servants of Kaganism. Too stupid to see that they are being manipulated, they worship loathsome entities like Victoria Nuland.

    As for me, I am not so much pro-China as I am anti-Kaganism.

  11. Is it not true that in China millions have been raised up from the lower classes this past generation? If true that has to lend significant credence to China and its government working to benefit their people.

  12. Perhaps the China-bashers here are infuriated by the fact that China, Russia, Iran, most of Africa and Southeast Asia (indeed most of the world outside the West) has outlawed LGBTQ (P) supremacy.

    For most China-bashers this is perhaps the gravest sin of all. It is unforgiveable.

    LGBTQ (P) supremacy is a central part of the “rules-based order.” All must submit to it.

  13. China joined the WTO on 11 Dec 2001. For the next fourteen years China was the West’s darling. American manufacturing had been moved to China, and the financial parasites of Wall Street had invaded, and they were rapidly reducing China to a U.S. clone. One billion Chinese were set to become debt slaves, just like Americans. Meanwhile wokery, feminism, and Western LGBTQ (P) supremacy infected China, and it spread like a deadly plague.

    Then it all blew up.

    On 15 Dec 2012 Xi Jinping became premiere. Xi turned China around, setting it on its present course. Because he says no to the neoliberals, he is “Hitler.”

    Look at the horrendous conditions of any Democrat-run city in the USA. The filth. The vagabonds. The drug addicts. The crumbling infrastructure. The ever-rising taxes, looting, rioting, and shoplifting. Maybe if we vilify China harder, we can make all that vanish.

    The magic solution to any domestic problem is to hate China.

  14. I'm no more a China-basher than a Europe-basher. I'm not naive enough to believe that life is better somewhere else because comparisons are being made for political and ideological purposes.

    There are numerous metrics where China does not fare well in comparison to North America or Europe. Is that a reason to immigrate from one region to the other? Obviously not. Culture is more important.

    Is it not true that in China millions have been raised up from the lower classes this past generation? If true that has to lend significant credence to China and its government working to benefit their people.

    It demonstrates that China's government is less corrupt. That's the only lesson to be drawn, since that is key to fixing problems back home. China is not a model for North America to follow, other than rooting out corrupt officials. We have little else in common.

  15. Google "Oliver Anthony", look at the headlines in 'top stories', and listen to his breakout song.
